Juvederm and All Its Variants

Published On: Jul 29, 2020
Juvederm and All Its Variants

To claim that Juvederm is one of the most versatile compounds in the beauty industry and cosmetic clinics worldwide would be a huge understatement. The compound made its debut over a decade ago, and since then, each and every other variant followed up, with the FDA approving them all for treatment of various skin conditions.

And versatility is one of the most important advantages that any compound, piece of tool, or equipment can have in a cosmetic clinic. You don’t just want to have a bunch of smaller treatment types that deal with one specific issue; you want to invest in a tool that will help you in a myriad of scenarios and can be used in lots of different procedures and treatment methods. And Juvederm NYC clinics’ favorite dermal filler, has this advantage of being versatile.

There are many different variants of Juvederm that exist and are currently being offered by NYC clinics, but without knowing what each of them does, you may be a little confused when it comes to deciding on the kind of variant you should be on the lookout for. Which is why in this article, we’ll be taking a look at Juvederm and all its glorious variants, all of which play a very important role in your anti-age treatment.

For the sake of the length of this article, we won’t be looking at the sub-variants of Juvederm, and instead, we’ll be focusing on the compound’s main deviations.

Juvederm Voluma XC

Volume is a major factor in determining how young your face looks. While wrinkles and other conspicuous age marks tend to be the easiest to see, volume is also just as important, as it operates on a subconscious level, as opposed to being actively spotted by your senses.

What I mean by this is: volume is the shape and overall tightness of your face, as opposed to one single wrinkle, depression, or other kinds of trenches. As with anything else in life, the time has its toll on your facial volume and as your skin begins to sag, the distinct shapes, angles, and edges of your face disappear under layers of flappy skin.

While there is nothing wrong with having a loose facial structure, some people tend to get somewhat discouraged by the sight of a tired face looking back at them in the mirror. This is where Juvederm Voluma XC comes in and its incredible ability to restore volume to the face. By injecting it into key locations, clinic specialists are able to lift your skin in the places where it matters most, such as cheeks, forehead, around the eyes. When the skin is lifted, it wraps tightly around those attractive angles and contours, such as the forehead cheekbones, jawline, and chin, restoring the youthful shape that only comes with volume restoration.

And while the Voluma XC mainly focuses on your skin’s volume, it does straighten out certain wrinkles and age marks to some extent, though if that’s what you’re looking for, you’ll need to try another variant.

Juvederm XC

The XC variant focuses specifically on folds, wrinkles, and the fine lines that you don’t wish to see on your face. There is also the Juvederm Vollure XC which can also treat wrinkles, but that variant is designed to strike a balance between restoring volume and smoothing out the skin.

The XC, on the other hand, is fully specialized in skin smoothing and getting rid of those annoying folds all over the face. It’s the perfect compound for individuals suffering from excessive wrinkling and skin folding that they wish to see treated, but keep it looking natural. One important thing to take away from Juvederm is that the compound doesn’t sacrifice the natural look of your face for the sake of making it look younger.

If you’ve ever been hesitant to try out Juvederm XC for skin smoothing because you think it’ll look unnatural, you can quell those fears by looking through some before and after photos of clients who went through the treatment and see how natural the results look. Nowadays, it would take a professional’s seasoned sense of vision to tell the difference between a naturally young face and one that was treated with Juvederm.

And the compound works all over the face too. It can correct wrinkles from the forehead all the way down to the chin. And while other variants of the Juvederm compound can even specialize in wrinkles on specific parts of your face, the XC is a good all-rounder for anyone looking to refresh their face, without going through a ton of fuss.

Juvederm Ultra XC

Lip augmentation is a big responsibility for dermal fillers and Juvederm doesn’t lack behind one bit.

Some people are naturally born with smaller lips and while this can be just as attractive as having supple ones, they may still choose to have the augmented. The Juvederm Ultra XC specializes in giving your lips a more supple look, making them look naturally bigger.

No need to worry about them looking fake or treated. They will not only look perfect, but also natural, and if your specialist knows what they’re doing, then you’ll have perfectly symmetric and balanced lips, that only professionals would be able to discern from naturally fuller ones.

And while we’re on the subject of specialists who know what they’re doing: remember that some clinics are simply more suited when it comes to operating cleanly, carefully, and delivering the highest quality of service. And the Ivy League trained specialists at MiracleFace MedSpa are a perfect example of such individuals, who will deliver exactly the results you’re looking for, whether it be lips augmentation, volume restoration, or skin smoothing.

All that’s asked of you is to think about what you actually want from your treatment and the rest if for the clinic professionals to take care of. So don’t hesitate to contact MiracleFace MedSpa and ask them about their Juvederm NYC treatment plan for all the information you’ll need before making an appointment.

CATEGORIES : Lifestyle
Monika Verma