Kathy Reichs Releases New Book and a New Character

Published On: Jul 20, 2017

In her New Book, Two Nights, Kathy Reichs Offers Another Great Character to Enjoy.

Press Release (ePRNews.com) - LOS ANGELES - Jul 20, 2017 - In case you missed the news, Kathy Reichs just released a new book, featuring a new character; Sunday Night.  Sunnie, who has spent years running from her past, and burying secrets must rise above all her personal pain to help the family of a girl who has gone missing in the chaos following a bomb explosion.

This new book; Two NIghts is a real treat for all Kathy Reichs fans. If you liked Temperance Brennan, you love this new character.  Fueled by nearly uncontrollable rage, Sunnie is the polar opposite of Temperance.  This cleverly written, suspenseful novel is a great treat for all Kathy Reichs fans throughout the world.

If you are a Kathy Reichs fan you will want to be sure you don’t miss a single one of her novels.  And now is the perfect time to catch up on the ones you may have missed. This is why the staff at Ultimate Reading List have put together an E
Book listing the books in the best reading order with short descriptions of each story.

This book is more than just a list; it’s an invitation to enjoy the series in proper order and to see the basic story outline before purchasing or reading (just in case you’ve already read it before).

Readers no longer have to risk missing a book or reading a story out of order.

The book has been written is two separate sections.  The first section gives you all the books and stories, in proper order, with short summaries. The second section can be used as a checklist to keep track of your progress.

Made for Kindle
Books and stories listed by publication date
Each is shown with their numerical place in the series
Every book and story includes a short summary

At the end of this quick reference guide is a simple checklist of all the Kathy Reichs books. Use your Kindle highlighting feature to keep track of the stories you’ve read.

With links to purchase any books you might have missed directly from Amazon, this book is a great companion guide for any Kathy Reichs fan.
Click this link to get the book:


Sir Reed A Lot


Ultimate Reading Lists

Source : Ultimate Reading List