Key certification that can boost your career and open up opportunities

Published On: Dec 10, 2021
Key certification that can boost your career and open up opportunities

The working world bears little or no resemblance to the one that existed two years ago. For obvious reasons, a large proportion of what used to be done in person is now done online, and a workforce that used to all be under the same roof is now fragmented across cities, states or even the world.

Any massive upheaval such as this creates both chaos and opportunity, and as a result, anyone who can show the required skills to help their employer in such times has the chance to raise their profile and salary at a much faster rate than they may have done before.

Key areas where skills are required

The changes within the workplace, and especially now that many teams are working remotely or using some hybrid arrangement, have meant that those with a project management certification can have a far greater value to their employer.

The difficulties in coordinating key projects have risen exponentially with the separation of the workforce, with the ability to bounce ideas off of each other mostly absent now that the team no longer shares an office. Even with the host of communications and specialist tools available, the ability to coordinate a team and deliver a project on time is essential to the continued existence of many companies.

Career progression

The most obvious benefit of having key project management skills would be a promotion with an accompanying raise after a suitable level of competence in the role had been proven. While the candidate might typically not expect their employer to pay for such certification (although this is a possibility), the coursework involved can be completed using an online learning format, where each module is completed in the candidate’s spare time.

This is likely to be a more practical solution for those who can’t take time out to attend college in person or find that the best college for the course in question is over the other side of the country. In addition to this, a standard certification can typically be completed in a smaller timeframe and at a cost that should not be entirely out of reach.

Increased opportunities

As this problem is happening in many businesses in a number of industries, a project management certification can potentially open a number of doors in other companies. As career progression can sometimes be stunted in some businesses, then moving to another company to take the next step up to either a supervisory or management position would be the logical thing to do.

A few final thoughts

The increased mobility offered by having key skills is not to be under-estimated by those who are ambitious, but feel they are not being correctly utilised in their current role. As a consequence, those who wish to boost either their current profile or their value in the job marketplace as a whole could look to attaining a certification in a key area like project management to achieve that goal.

CATEGORIES : Education
Monika Verma