Real Estate Law

Home Buyer Must Know These Things About RERA

Home Buyer Must Know These Things About RERA

Most of us dream of purchasing our own homes, and why not? It is assuredly one of the best investments for a lifetime. However, we are often skeptical about diving into this investment because of delayed or faulty projects, no…
West Bengal’s HIRA vs. Center’s RERA

West Bengal’s HIRA vs. Center’s RERA

Legal documents are required for buying any property and there need to be rules and regulations that need to be followed for the same. This is mainly done by central organizations that oversee the functioning of these important rules and…
Real Estate Attorney Joshua Stein to Discuss "Ground Leases – Financeability and Much Much More"

Real Estate Attorney Joshua Stein to Discuss "Ground Leases – Financeability and Much Much More"

Veteran real estate attorney Joshua Stein, sole principal of Joshua Stein PLLC, will discuss the ins and outs of ground leases on Thursday, April 27, in a one-hour online seminar hosted by the Practising Law Institute. “Ground leases are an…

Missouri Eminent Domain Attorney Robert Denlow Invited to Speak at International Property Rights Conference in the Netherlands

​​​​​The William & Mary Property Rights Project has invited Missouri eminent domain attorney Robert Denlow to speak at the Thirteenth Annual Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Conference, October 20, 2016, in The Netherlands. Mr. Denlow will participate on a panel tasked with…