Notion Press Publishes 'Bipolar': Every Profession Has Two Sides

Published On: Jun 01, 2017

Press Release ( - Jun 01, 2017 - Celebrated paediatric surgeon, Dr. Anurag Kumar has launched his book, Bipolar, a memoir that incorporates his experience in the medical industry and a few engrossing stories of the patients he has treated over the span of thirty years. This book is published by Notion Press and is available for purchase on Amazon and other ecommerce websites.

True to its title, this book talks about the two sides of being a doctor, as they are expected to perform scrupulous surgeries and save lives on a daily basis, but unknown to others, doctor-patient relationships and the personal facet of being a doctor is equally difficult to manage. This book starts by describing his college life and continues with the induction process, his experience with ragging and also includes his first encounter with a cadaver. This book starts with an ode to his teacher Charlie, and then recounts with the memorable moments he experienced during his hostel days. He embarked on several adventures with his friends Rajat and Govinda in the hostel, and reading this fills one with delight and nostalgia. This book includes snippets and stories from his many years of service, and leaves one astounded when it describes the unseen side of the profession, the person holding the precise surgical instruments. The patients he had to operate were from many walks of life, ranging from poorest to richest ones and the intellectual difference between them is also presented in this book.

When a doctor is unable to save a life, they go through a plethora of negative emotions, ranging from guilt, anger to even depression, but this is unknown to many. This book is rife with accounts that add insight and helps one dissect and analyse the psychology of a professional in the medical world. Attachment to an individual is one that cannot be avoided and hence this plays a therapeutic role in this profession, which can help patients if it is healthy and holistic. The stories narrated by the author are unique and a first-hand recollection of events to help readers gain insight into a doctor’s thinking process.

Dr. Anurag Kumar has worked in several hospitals andhas years of experience in this field. He believes that his memoir will guide medical professionals, as his stories are unique and display the humane side of this industry. Currently, Dr. Anurag works as a freelancing private practitioner in Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh and trusts that his stories will serve as an inspiration to aspiring doctors and others alike.

Follow the journey of Dr. Anurag through his memoir to know this profession in detail. Notion Press has published the book of this illustrious paediatric surgeon and is proud to be associated with him. We help writers self-publish their books and offer several packages that will assist them in every aspect of the publishing process. Do grab this copy for an enjoyable and informative read!

Source : Notion Press
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