Press Release (ePRNews.com) - NEW YORK - Jul 28, 2017 - In response to President Trump’s tweets proposing to prohibit transgender people from serving in the military, NYC Veterans Alliance (http://www.nycveteransalliance.org/) releases the following statement:
“Right now, thousands of transgender men and women are serving in silence in the U.S. Armed Forces, and countless more transgender veterans, many of whom have served with honor and distinction in combat, are stunned by yesterday’s announcement of a return to the ban on transgender service. We want these servicemembers and veterans to know that we stand with them, and that we are grateful for their service to our nation,” said Kristen Rouse, Founding Director of NYC Veterans Alliance.
Rouse added, “The NYC Veterans Alliance was founded with the value of inclusiveness of all veterans, with the belief that service to country is more important than all else. Our membership is comprised of men and women of diverse service eras, national origin, immigration history, racial heritage, religion, LGBTQ status, political ideology, and other differences in background. By embracing our diversity, we are a stronger organization, just as America and its military are stronger because we believe that mission and service to country are what truly matter, not these externalities. Out of many, we are one. Equality is not a social experiment. It is a core value we serve to protect and defend.”
The NYC Veterans Alliance recently celebrated the passage of Intro. 1259 by the NYC Council, which will establish the most comprehensive local protection for veterans and military members in the nation. Once signed into law by Mayor de Blasio, veteran and military status will be among the personal attributes protected by NYC’s human rights law, which currently includes race, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and other classifications. The law was drafted, proposed, advocated for, and brought to passage by members of the NYC Veterans Alliance.
Rouse continued, “As NYC veterans and all New Yorkers know, our diversity makes us stronger. Right now we need to let our transgender brothers and sisters who are serving, and who have served, know that we stand with them, that we will leave no servicemember or veteran behind. Please speak up wherever you can in support.”
To stay up-to-date on NYC Veterans Alliance news, please visit the website or become an NYC Veterans Alliance member. To make a tax-deductible donation to NYC Veterans Alliance Foundation via Intersections International, please click here <org2.salsalabs.com/o/5515/p/salsa/donation/common/public/?donate_page_KEY=14934>. For media inquiries, please contact Jacqueline Silva at Jacqueline@silvacommunications.com.
About NYC Veterans Alliance
Started in January of 2015, NYC Veterans Alliance is a nonprofit and nonpartisan organization that improves the lives of veterans and their families in the NYC metropolitan area and empowers military veterans to become politically active through four engaging programs – Policy & Legislative Advocacy, Community Outreach, Get Ready to Run, and Civic Leadership. With the mission to advocate legislative action for all military veterans and their families while offering political engagement opportunities, NYC Veterans Alliance serves NYC’s 220,000+ veterans and 250,000+ dependent family members. For more information, please visit www.nycveteransalliance.org.
Source : NYC Veterans Alliance