Psilocybin and Addiction – Is it Really a Magic Potion?

Press Release ( - Vancouver CB - Jul 06, 2021 - Psilocybin mushroom is considered to be one of the most powerful and beneficial natural medicines that is known to have a vast range of health benefits. This natural wonder has been used in China as a remedy for curing various types of ailments for centuries. Scientists and Researchers from all over the world are also conducting various studies on the beneficial effects of this natural wonder. Recently, it was proved that Psilocybin mushroom effectively treats patients with different types of anxiety disorders by using a controlled method in clinical trials.
Clinical trials conducted on Psilocybin mushroom show a significant reduction in the severity of patients’ symptoms of chronic and recurrent depression. According to these researches, Psilocybin mushroom effectively treats patients with different types of anxiety disorders such as obsessive-compulsive and post-traumatic stress disorder. The mushrooms contain some specific chemicals that provide the much sought-for medicinal benefits. These chemicals also have the ability to reduce the level of brain chemical serotonin. Moreover, researchers have proved that patients suffering from anxiety disorders and who are prescribed Psilocybin mushroom supplements experience a significant amelioration in their level of depression after taking these medicinal supplements.
Effects from Psilocybin
Research studies have revealed that patients suffering from schizophrenia and those who are at the early stage of AIDS therapy show an encouraging response to Psilocybin Bright Future mushroom use. These studies also revealed that patients who suffer from major depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, agoraphobia and other psychological disorders including mood swings can greatly benefit from PCP treatment. However, research studies conducted on this medicinal mushroom by using a placebo as a control factor did not show any significant changes in patients’ mental status including positive results for patients with bipolar disorder and schizoaffective disorders.
A psilocybin mushroom, which is also known as magic mushrooms, has also been found effective in reducing the symptoms related to several anxiety disorders such as panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders and phobias. Psilocybin mushroom extracts have also been found extremely useful in the treatment of alcohol addiction, drug dependence and withdrawal symptoms in individuals struggling with heroin addiction. Moreover, Psilocybin mushroom extracts have also been found very effective in combating the side effects of withdrawal from alcohol. It is because of its potential medicinal and psychiatric properties that Bright Future mushrooms have been widely used as an intravenous and oral sedative in the USA, Canada, United Kingdom and various European countries. It has been also widely used in the treatment of terminal illnesses like cancer, leukemia, menopausal disorders, schizophrenia and other psychiatric disorders.
Psilocybin mushrooms have also been found extremely useful in treating alcoholism, especially in curing heroin addiction. It is because of its powerful psychological effects that are associated with the potent alkaloid psilocybin, and it has been found that in case of detoxification through pure water, psilocybin will help in removing all the residues of heroin, Marijuana, etc., from the system. Even though this magic mushroom may sound quite exotic and mystical, it does not at all pose any kind of threat to your health. In fact, it is one of nature’s best medicines which can offer you a long-term, permanent solution to all kinds of health problems. So, if you are planning to use this magic mushroom in order to get rid of all your addiction problems, then you should completely make sure that you do not consume any other types of drugs while taking Psilocybin.
When taking Psilocybin, it is highly recommended that you should not take more than 1 gram of the magical mushroom extract every day. Moreover, you should also ensure that you should consume this magical substance under the guidance of qualified medical practitioners, as excessive intake of Psilocybin can have some severe side effects on the body. However, if you fail to take a prescription of this compound and try to buy it over the counter, then you may end up in serious complications like withdrawal symptoms, depression, intense cravings, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, insomnia, fever, headaches, etc. So, the safest bet is to go for pure Psilocybin, or even for a natural alternative of this compound.
Source : Salish Trails