Press Release ( - LANSING, Mich. - Apr 06, 2017 - World Health Day is on Friday, April 7. SWAT Environmental would like to bring awareness to this important day, and educate the population on the dangers that Radon gas can cause not only physically, but mentally as well. Radon gas is the leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers. It is a radioactive, colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas, that is only detected when property owners test for it. It is an extremely stealthy airborne toxin, being so invisible that a lot of people are not aware their home is contaminated until it is too late.
Many publications write articles about the health effects of Radon gas; these primarily include being diagnosed with lung cancer. However, they do not go into detail about what happens after being diagnosed with the life-threatening disease and how it could affect the people around them. Depressive and anxiety disorders are awfully more common than people realize. According to the World Health Organization, there are 322 million people living with depression, and 264 million people living with anxiety disorders in the world. These disorders can stem from unemployment, life events like the death of a loved one or relationship break up, or physical illnesses, and can be a threat to anyone at any age. When a family member is diagnosed with lung cancer because of Radon gas effects, family members, and even the individual diagnosed, is at risk of developing a depressive or anxiety disorder.
SWAT Environmental wants to join the World Health Organization in urging the public to get involved with World Health Day on April 7. With this special day, we are striving to promote the bettering of information the public receives about depression, its causes, as well as the possible consequences. Along with this, our goal is for people with depression to seek the help they need, and that for family and friends of people suffering with depression, they can provide adequate support. The stigma of people living with anxiety and depression needs to be reduced, and having conversations about what it is and how to help will be extremely beneficial.
Lung cancer, due to radon gas, effects more individuals than just the one diagnosed. Being educated about the dangers of not only radon gas, but also anxiety and depressive disorders will be able to help family members support their loved ones during this time. Part of being educated is knowing how and when to test for radon gas. Property owners can purchase a test kit through their local SWAT Environmental. High levels of this dangerous gas mean that the people living in the property may be at risk. On World Health Day, April 7, use the hashtag, #LetsTalk, to join the conversation to understand how to support friends or family through the mental difficulties radon gas can cause.
For more radon gas information, go to
Source : SWAT EnvironmentalSWAT Environmental
United States