Removing a Fallen Tree from Your Garden: A Guide

Published On: Sep 28, 2020
Removing a Fallen Tree from Your Garden: A Guide

Sometimes, trees that you expect to one day fall in your garden, yard or upon your land do so in the wake of a heavy storm. Sometimes you’ll wake up one morning after a relatively clam night and find a huge tree on its side on your land. In any case, a fallen tree is an incredibly difficult thing to remove on your own. It’s heavy, cumbersome, and difficult to ship off after it’s cut. As such, this guide offers advice on how to remove a fallen tree from your garden or your land in 2020.


Of course, as with all gardening and outdoors maintenance, you can look to hire a group of professionals to take the fallen tree from your property. This is sometimes preferable for those families or individuals who have the money to spare for this kind of service. Tree surgeons or woodmen will typically take two to three days to completely remove a large fallen tree from your property and the costs can quickly add up. If the quote you’re provided feels too high to accept, it’s worth considering how you can remove your tree without outsourced help.


The essential item that you’ll need to help you remove a fallen tree is of course the trusty chainsaw. If you already have one of these machines, you’ll be able to get to work right away on the trunk of the fallen tree. But if you’re without a chainsaw, it might be worth borrowing one from a friend instead of purchasing one new online. Make sure that safety is your first concern when handling a chainsaw, as they’ve been known to cause serious injuries.

Smaller Slices

Now that you’re able to slowly cut the fallen tree into large chunks, it’s time to consider how you’re going to reduce these pieces further in size. Remember that wood from a fallen tree isn’t necessarily useless: you might be able to burn it in your stove or your fireplace as fuel or talk to a local carpenter about selling them a little of the wood. Knowing where the wood is going is a prerequisite for your chopping strategy: if it’ll be burned on the fire, you’ll need to cut small, manageable pieces of wood. If it’s headed to a woodpile, you can cut your wood less neatly and into larger pieces.

How to Split Your Wood

So, using a wheelbarrow to carry off the cut wood, you’re now going to need to split your chainsawed wood into smaller pieces. This can be done with an axe or the kind of industrial wood cutter you can find across the internet. Elsewhere, wood-cutting forums and websites are experts in advice on how to split wood without an axe ideas, showing you the different methods by which you can reduce your fallen tree into the right pieces which you’ll then be able to transport to the wood’s final destination.

A fallen tree can be damaging to your property or your garden, but it’s easy enough to remove with your own labor, if you plan for a couple of days of hard work. If you need assistance you can Call Sacramento tree surgeons.


CATEGORIES : Gardens and Landscape
Monika Verma