Press Release ( - eUROPE - May 24, 2017 - Research reveals that there will be a decrease in the population of Bulgaria to 6.4 million compared to the year 2015. There will be a sharp decline in the population due to negative natural changes. All the negative natural changes are caused due to falling birth rates and high death rates, plus high rates of evacuation. Urban residents will decline at a slower speed than the rural inhabitants. Bulgaria country analysis ,Bulgaria demography analysis ,Bulgaria economy analysis ,Future outlook of Bulgaria ,Bulgaria urban population ,
Majority of the Bulgarians reside in the urban areas and speak the national language, Bulgarian. The literacy rate in Bulgaria is 98.6% irrespective of sex. The educational ethics are traditionally high compared to the global standards. The state government provides free education in public schools. Bulgarian population is guaranteed with religious freedom. More than three-quarters of the population belong to Christian community. The second largest community are the Sunni Muslims and the rest of the population do not identify themselves with a specific religion. Bulgarian health care system is financed by taxes and contributions. The majority of deceased cases are related to cardiovascular diseases, neoplasms and respiratory diseases.
From 1990’s there was a negative population growth in the state of Bulgaria. The economic downfall has resulted in long-lasting emigration wave. The population growth and birth rates are among the lowest in the world while death rates are among the highest.
Out of the country’s total labour force 7.1% are employed in agriculture, 35.2% are employed in industrial sector and 57.7% are employed in service sector. Extraction of metals and minerals, petroleum refining, steel manufacturing, production of chemicals, machinery and vehicle components are the major industrial activities. Europe’s sixth largest coal producer is Bulgaria. Exports products include oil, copper, pharmaceuticals, food products, perfumery oils. Out of all the service sectors tourism contributes to economic growth of Bulgaria.
In 20 years time from now Bulgaria will be far more comfortable in exploiting its geo-strategic location. We can anticipate investment of the thriving Russian-owned companies and an energy-diversified Bulgaria to be receiving gas directly from Russia and Azerbaijan. Bulgaria and Turkey are expected to be the closest of allies. There will be huge opportunities for Bulgaria, with a large minority of Bulgarians speaking Turkish.
According to Ken Research report “Bulgaria in 2030: The Future Demographic”, in 2030, Bulgaria will have thriving markets globally. Bulgaria will see itself as an excellent provider of educational services, and will be recruiting the next generation of science and technology academics and professionals to build a long-standing reputation. Educated young generation will choose to live and develop their career in Bulgaria giving a positive option for those who left to return.
Bulgaria will be a more transparent country by 2030. Every decision and public contract be published giving more transparency in the decision-making process. The Bulgarian citizens will be able to enquiry items of expenditure and procurement processes, at national and local level. Bulgaria’s regulators will become universally admired for their independence from government. This will result in less corruption and more efficiency.
Bulgaria by 2030 will complete its transition into the digital world. Most of the businesses will be done online reducing the risk of corruption. Bulgarian citizens will demand consumer and expectant shares in public service provision. Bulgaria will also establish a genuine Civil Society by 2030 giving power to every citizen the right, to intervene with government, judiciary and business showing its positive transformation.
Topics Coverd in the Report
- Bulgaria country analysis
- Bulgaria demography analysis
- Bulgaria economy analysis
- Future outlook of Bulgaria
- Bulgaria urban population
- Get a detailed picture of the Future Demographics market
- Euromonitor International’s Future Demographic reports
- Bulgariademographic forecasts to 2030
- Bulgaria demography markets in the future
- Bulgaria demographyshape consumer segmentation
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