Six Things You Must Avoid While Preparing for JEE Main

Six Things You Must Avoid While Preparing for JEE Main

While preparing for JEE Main which is considered as one of the perplexing exams in India, students usually have a lot of thoughts running in their heads. Many times, they start assuming that they aren’t capable enough to crack the exam and stress themselves unnecessarily. No matter how intelligent you are or how much effort you are putting in to crack JEE Main, even a small mistake is enough to make everything futile. So why take a chance in the first place? As the time is inching towards the date of commencement of JEE Main, we would like you to know about six things that you should avoid doing from this particular moment while preparing for the most crucial exam of your life.  Take a look!

Procrastinating Daily Targets

As the clock is ticking, you understand that achieving daily targets is quite important. This would help you in keeping some extra time for revising your syllabus right before the exam. However, this demands a high level of commitment and dedication. Our experts believe that procrastination is the biggest enemy of students. One needs to make it a habit of setting a daily target and achieving it by the end of the day.

Excessive Use of Social Media

Our experts believe that nowadays students are too much involved in using social media platforms that they disturb their schedule by wasting their precious time. In one of the surveys done by the Common Sense Media, it was revealed that on average a student spends 9 hours a day on social media which is quite appalling. It is our advice to everyone who is preparing for JEE Main or any other competitive exam to avoid anything that wastes your precious time. To crack the exam, you need to focus on and show dedication.

Becoming a Bookworm

Students should understand that quality matters rather than quantity. Preparing for  JEE Main does not mean one should make books his/her world while forgetting everything around. You need to break the monotony in your routine on a regular basis while doing any extra-curricular activity in order to refresh yourself. This way you won’t feel bored or saturated. In fact, if you have some hobbies, such as painting, singing, playing, etc.then you should try them often. These will keep your brain active and improve your mental abilities. Our experts believe that one needs to enjoy life while preparing for the exam. All you need to do is find some time amid your study schedule.

Cutting Sleeping Hours

They say good sleep is the secret of learning and grasping concepts for students. Experts always emphasize on the sleep of 6-8 hours in a day. It improves your retention ability, lowers your stress, and improves your problem-solving abilities. No doubt JEE Main is tough but to crack it like a master, you need to stay mentally sound. It has been noticed that a student who sleeps well covers more syllables than the one who is sleep-deprived.

Mugging Up Instead of Understanding Concepts

Well, mugging up important concepts is very usual and no one can deny this fact. However, one needs to keep the right balance between understanding things and mugging them up. Our experts believe that students should first understand the logic behind a particular formula or concept. This might help them in retaining things in mind for a longer period while crammers may forget concepts even within a few hours.

Losing Hope in the Beginning

There comes a time when you may start thinking of giving up as things may not be working as per your wish. But, don’t lose hope as time might be testing your patience and strengths. Students feel depressed seeing their low scores in mock tests. Our experts suggest that one should always be optimistic, evaluate their mistakes, and learn from them. This is the best way to improve yourself and your performance.

We understand that preparing for any competitive exam may require blood, sweat, and tears. However, you must understand that with great challenges come great opportunities. They say “Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.” The Vedantu JEE Main experts believe that the aforementioned tips are very useful for the majority of students preparing for competitive exams. With years of teaching experience, they have worked out the most common things that students do that may ruin their results. Since now you know what’s best for you, we wish you good luck for your upcoming exams.




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