Stoop Juice Apologizes For Campaign Flyers Posted In Park Slope Brooklyn

At 3:15am on January 20, 2018, Jose Franco owner of Stoop Juice read a text informing him of the government shutdown. Upset and unable to sleep, Mr Franco posted on his Facebook page he was running for President of the United States in 2020.
Jan 22, 2018 Mark

Press Release ( - Brooklyn, NY - Jan 22, 2018 - Jose Franco, owner of Stoop Juice would like to apologize for the campaign flyers posted on car windshields Saturday night throughout his Park Slope Brooklyn neighborhood.  The flyer showed John McCain endorsing Mr. Franco’s candidacy for President Of The United States in 2020.  An alarmed Jose stated, “two customers came in screaming at me with flyers in hand saying it’s illegal to post flyers on car windshields in New York City.  I closed the shop early and proceeded to remove all the posted flyers I could find.  I did not post the flyers but apologize for any inconvenience anyone may have experienced.”  Mr Franco added, ” If I had to guess who made and posted the flyers I’d say it was a regular customer who I shared my January 20, 2018 at 5:08am Facebook rant to describe how upsetting  the government shutdown is to me” (Rant posted below)

My name is Jose Franco, owner of Stoop Juice in Park Slope Brooklyn. Today’s government shutdown has prompted me to self-reflect and become proactive politically once again. I was Senior Class President at The Bronx’s Dewitt Clinton High School in 1985. My experience in student government, plus a full course load of classes along with an unrealistic expectation of gratitude from my peers dissuaded me from running for public office again until now. I now know that one of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. In constant pursuit of money to finance campaigns, the political system is simply unable to function. This is why I’m running for President Of The United States in 2020. I’ll view my presidency as a civic duty similar to jury duty. I would put my energy in representing my constituents instead of spending a disproportionate amount of my time in fund raising. I’d invite other civic minded self sustained citizens to serve as apprentices. They will witness me doing the work of the people through government by the people. Since I love running my juice bar, walking away from politics will be easy for me. As a private person I Employ time at improvement by reading other men’s writings, so that I shall gain easily what others have labored hard for. It’s not living that matters, but living rightly, so before I can move the world I must first move myself by being conscious and in the moment.

I am not afraid to compete against those who are wealthier than me, for people who are proud of their wealth, should not be praised until it is known how they employ it. Which is why I question Donald Trump not releasing his taxes. When competing against the likes of Trump I must always remind myself that while fighting monsters not to become a monster in the process. Attacking and engaging in an endless cycle of bickering is unproductive and distract us from doing the people’s work. Instead, I encourage all of us to look for improvement from within. I’m able to do this by taking inventory of myself through a four step approach I use to run my small business. Step one is to gauge my opportunities in relation to money for investment I have access to. Step two is to measure how much of the sciences, engineering, technology, management and skills of labor I possess in my industry. Step three is determined by my ability to learn, understand and articulate effectively what I know to my colleagues. The fourth and final step is to make the application and utilize my aptitude and abilities on things within my power. As President I would utilize a servant leader approach to governing. The servant leader is servant first. It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then consciousness brings one to aspire to lead. Today, the White House is employing a leader first approach. One who is leader first, perhaps this style of leadership Mr Trump may have used to acquire his wealth. The leader first and the servant first are two extreme types. Between them there are shadings and blends that are part of the infinite variety of human nature. The difference manifests itself in the care taken by the servant first leader to make sure that other people’s highest priority needs are being served. The best test and difficult to administer , is: Do those served grow as persons. A leader will encourage opportunities for the self motivated to prosper. Not all leaders think alike and those who lack the courage or understanding of the continual work needed will always find a philosophy to justify their actions. In a country with individuals having differing opinion we must continue to pursue common ground. Most of us want to be loved. We should put more focus on intent and less on technique. Remember solutions have no inherent value so one size doesn’t fit all. All of our time on earth is temporary, despite this we must play the long game for the benefit of future generations. And finally, before we offer each other advice let’s take the time to listen empathically to one another. This work is never-ending and ongoing, but I welcome the opportunity. God bless America.

“The customer in question is a charming left-handed young lady in her mid twenties (a lot smarter than me) who’s name I forget. I do remember she always orders an all greens juice with a shot of wheatgrass on the side” stated Jose Franco.

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Source : Jose Franco Follow on Google News


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