Press Release (ePRNews.com) - CEBU CITY, Philippines - Jan 25, 2017 - The Mango Grove is the first real estate development in the area (Sto. Tomas Batangas) to make use of GetMore’s revolutionary platform, the MiDash.
The First in the Philippines
The Mango Grove program, a 222 unit development, is a pilot project of Pag-Ibig’s “Pabahay para sa Makabagong Bayani” 3B Program which seeks to improve the living condition of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) through the provision of houses at relaxed and flexible terms.
This project is a joint venture between Philtown Properties Inc. and Cbelle Property Development Corporation. They are the latest to join the roster of notable real estate developers in the country to use the MiDash system.
As of today, the Mango Grove will be able to accommodate 10 OFW families, with the rest of the total of 222 units to be delivered by the later part of the year.
The Mango Grove will be using MiDash for sales, inventory, reservation and CRM management. Through the MiDash Plus!, GetMore will be providing a guaranteed monthly minimum number of buyer prospects for the project.
About MiDash
MiDash—by GetMore—is a cloud-based, client-facing real estate sales management platform for real estate developers, their teams and their buyers.
It has 5 distinct features: an E-Sales Kit where all the sales materials are housed, a Real Time Inventory Management and Reservation System for the most efficient way of securing the sale, a Specialized CRM and Sales Management for the real estate industry, an Automated Lead Funnel System where all offline and online leads are stored and managed, and the fifth – Plus! Also known as Smart Prospecting, is an online prequalified lead source with a guaranteed monthly minimum number of prospects.
Check out MiDash here: http://www.getmidash.com/
About The Mango Grove
Although there are many developments in the area, The Mango Grove distinguishes itself for its serene setting, with open spaces dedicated to tree-shaded parks, verdant gardens and landscaped amenities area offering a calming neighborhood, with a wonderful view of Mount Makiling and Tagaytay High-Lands.
Check out The Mango Grove here:http://www.themangogrove.ph/
Source : www.getmidash.com