"The Pirate Captain Toledano" to Premiere at the Los Angeles Jewish Film Festival

Published On: Apr 24, 2017

Press Release (ePRNews.com) - LOS ANGELES - Apr 24, 2017 - The 10-minute short film “The Pirate Captain Toledano” will make its world premiere at the Los Angeles Jewish Film Festival this May.  The film is the world’s first cinematic depiction of Inquisition-era Jewish pirates in the Caribbean.

Filmmaker Arnon Shorr’s vision for the film became possible after a successful crowdfunding campaign on Jewish crowdfunding site Jewcer.org. He shot the film in early December on two tall ships at The Ocean Institute in Dana Point, California. Arnon was also able to find actors and a crew who had personal connections to the history behind the film, such as the film’s star, Stephen DeCordova, who is a descendant of Caribbean Jews.

The film features dialog and music in Ladino, historically-accurate replica props, and even an antique kiddush cup from Jamaica. The authenticity of the historic portrayals was overseen by a maritime historian from the Ocean Institute, as well as by Richard Rasner, leader of Clan Darksail, one of the oldest and largest troupes of pirate reenactors in the Southwest US. Moving and rare Ladino folk music, treasured and carefully crafted props, and the knowledge of one of the oldest and largest troupes of acting pirates in the Southwest US.

“The very fact that the phrase ‘Jewish pirate’ catches people by surprise is an indicator that this is a type of character that we need to see. It’s a reminder that Jews can share a cultural heritage with more than just Eastern Europe. It’s a reminder that a stereotype, whether it’s positive or negative, is still a stereotype”

-Arnon Shorr



May 2nd, 2017, 12:30pm
National Council of Jewish Women
543 N. Fairfax Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90036


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SYNOPSIS OF “THE PIRATE CAPTAIN TOLEDANO”: On a 16th century pirate ship, a Jewish stowaway who fled the Inquisition wants to become a pirate to fight the Spanish. The captain must decide whether to make him a

pirate… or make him walk the plank.






“The Los Angeles Jewish Film Festival (LAJFF) builds community awareness, appreciation and pride in the diversity of the Jewish people through film.

The mission of LAJFF is to preserve and celebrate our rich Jewish heritage; to cultivate Jewish values and the quality of Jewish life in our community (not only for the affiliated but unaffiliated); and to create and maintain a sense of community by providing important and exciting programming for individuals, families and organizations”.

-For more: http://lajfilmfest.org/our-mission/

Source : OxRock Productions, LLC
Business Info :
OxRock Productions, LLC
United States