Finding the perfect gift is difficult, even if you know the person inside and out. When it comes to business owners or entrepreneurs in particular, the choices can be even more limiting. If you’re on the hunt for unique gift ideas for a business owner in your life, below are a few ideas that might pique your interest.
An Audible Subscription
Subscriptions are fast becoming a popular gift idea, and for good reason. If the business owner in your life loves books but is always on the run, you may want to encourage them to invest in audio books instead. By gifting them a subscription to Audible, for instance, they will have access to thousands of podcasts and audio books. And the best part? They can listen while they’re exercising, en route to meetings, or on a flight.
Waterproof Notepad
This idea might make you chuckle, but it’s a surprisingly practical gift. How many times have you come up with a good idea while you were in the shower? Believe it or not, this is a frequent occurrence, one that is often associated with business owners. These convenient waterproof notepads come with 40 perforated sheets and attach to a bathroom wall using suction cups. Who knows? You may help someone birth some big ideas that could really boost their business!
Noise-Canceling Headphones
Headphones might not be the first thing you think of when searching for a business-appropriate gift. But with remote working becoming the norm following this year’s pandemic, noise-canceling headphones might be an essential item for a business owner, particularly if they’re working in noisy environments. Not only will this help them stay focused on their own work, but they can use them while traveling for business, too.
Email Signature Software
Software or subscriptions are unusual but highly practical gifts for business owners. Email signature software, for example, is incredibly useful if the entrepreneur in your life has just launched their business. This kind of software allows them to professionally design and optimize their email signature, which will enable them to increase their brand awareness and direct readers to their website.
Activity Tracker
If the business owner you know is an active type, a gift that allows them to monitor their activities could make the perfect gift. Smart watches or fitness trackers are all the rage at the moment, as they allow the user to monitor their heart rate, blood pressure, and sleep cycles. These watches also provide notifications from calls or texts to a phone, which is ideal for someone who needs to stay connected. If you don’t know which type of smart watch to buy, a review guide can be a helpful place to start.
Robot Vacuum
Many business owners find that there aren’t enough hours in the day to get things done, and that includes household chores! Cleaning can be the last thing on their minds, especially if they’ve just started their company. A robot vacuum can make an ideal gift in this instance, as it eliminates one of the many jobs on their to-do list. While a robot vacuum is certainly no substitute for proper cleaning, it can provide a bit of extra help for the business owner who works long hours.