Why do you need life insurance?

Published On: Sep 17, 2019
Why do you need life insurance?

Everybody knows why life insurance is essential, but many of us think that it is something that we need to think about when we get old. This is a big myth. As youngsters, we don’t think about death as something we need to plan for. Nevertheless, when we grow, get married, start a family, we begin to shoulder more responsibilities. Hence, the need for a contingency plan gains prominence. This is where life insurance comes into the play.

A Life insurance policy is a way of providing financial protection to your family. It offers financial protection in the form of an assured sum to your family if something unforeseen happens. In this post, we will discuss the top reasons why you need to buy a life insurance policy.

1. Look after your family even after your death

The most critical aspect that everyone needs to factor in is what their family members will do after they are gone. Your family will be dependent on you financially even after you are gone and you don’t want them to struggle a single bit. Whether it is paying for your children’s education, for substituting lost income, or to ensure that your family gets the much-required financial security, a life insurance policy can help your surviving dependents significantly.

2. Deal with debt

If you happen to buy the right life insurance policy, any outstanding debt associated with your loan on credit cards, personal loan, vehicle loan, and home loan, among others will be taken care of without having your family to deal with financial burdens during a crisis. Choosing the right policy is critical in this aspect. Research properly and see what different insurance providers are offering. Choose the one that suits your requirements.

3. Achieve long-term goals

Life insurance is a financial instrument that will keep you invested for the long run. It can help you achieve long-term investment goals like planning your retirement or buying a house. Different types of life insurance policies come with varying options for investment.

4. Plan your retirement

You would want your retirement savings last until you die, won’t you? With a life insurance policy, you can make sure that you have a regular income stream every month after you retire. Contributing to a life insurance plan when you are still working will help you earn a steady income after retirement.

5. Buying insurance is economical when you are younger

Starting early is the key to reaping the most out of an insurance policy. It is advised that you buy an insurance plan the day you start earning. The early you start the more benefit you will get. And the best part, buying a life insurance policy at a younger age is more affordable. You can compare life insurance with Money Expert.

6. Save tax

Irrespective of the type of insurance policy you buy, you can save a lot on your taxes. Consult with your policy provider regarding the tax benefits you get when purchasing specific term insurance.

Life insurance is must if you earn a steady income. Before you buy any term insurance, determine your needs. It will help you plan accordingly.


CATEGORIES : Health Insurance
Himani Rathore