10 Most Effective Ways to Keep Pests Away
Pests have an extraordinary power to evolve. It is noticed over the years that no matter how strong a pesticide you apply, some of these ordeals to humankind find their way out and propagate further.

Pests are some heinous creatures tormenting us for thousands of years now. The combat between pests and humans dates back to the time when a human might have killed a buzzing mosquito or swatted at an annoying fly for the first time. The dominance of pests and the means to exterminate it has also got its roots in the time when the first agrarian society developed.
To overcome these ordeals and to control the infestation of any pest at home, you need to follow a certain regimen. Here, in this article, we have summarized the 10 most effective ways to keep pests at bay. Be it a rapacious rat or a pesky pigeon, if you follow the golden rules, you can successfully rid yourself of them all.
1. Tighten Up Things
It is said for nothing that cleanliness is next to godliness. Keeping your house clean is the key to stopping the proliferation of bugs at home and eventually stopping the infestation of multiple diseases. Keep the floors clean by regularly vacuuming them and mopping them thereafter. Also, keep all the leftover food covered in air-tight containers.
2. Proper Ventilation is Important
Keeping your house well ventilated is one of the most vital points that you always need to keep in your mind. Windows, skylights, ventilating fans should be cleaned regularly. Places in your house should also be closely monitored for dampening issues. Moisture captured in the walls gives a favorable environment for the molds to multiply rapidly. This eventually will increase the number of insects like beetles and cockroaches. These insects feed on molds directly or indirectly. If you are still questioning how to keep bugs out of house? Then you should keep your household dry as much as possible.
3. A Good Vacuum Cleaner Can Do The Trick
Suction points or hoses in the vacuum cleaners clean out the tiny dust particles. They help in cleaning the floor as well as the carpet, upholstery, furniture, hardwood materials, etc. A well-invested vacuum cleaner will also make the house more hygienic by removing carpet beetles and tiny fleas. A HEPA or S-Class filtrations are some added features in a good vacuum you need to make sure of. Remember that pest control Bristol is nearly impossible without a good vacuum cleaner.
4. A Genuine Flea Treatment
Fleas are wingless insects that can cause fatal diseases to your pets and can cause a nuisance to you by causing painful allergies through bites. Therefore, if you want to know how to keep insects away from house? You should get your carpet and upholstery steam cleaned and vacuum them regularly. Bedding, including that of your pet, needs to be washed in hot water and detergent. Also, consult a vet for flea treatment on your pet and make that a regular habit.
5. One Insect? Not Infestation
One cockroach at the kitchen counter might give you a panic attack of sorts but hang on! Discovering one insect in the house does not mean that there is an infestation. If you see an insect somewhere in the house it might have intruded accidentally or might be a one-off incident. If still, things seem bothersome to you, try to keep a check on their growth or report a pest problem to the authority.
6. Cans Can Prove Dangerous
While you directly swig in from a cold drink or soft drink can make sure it is free from any kind of insect inside. Many a time it is noticed that larvae grow inside soda cans, therefore, it is seriously advised that you pour the drink into a glass. However, if you don’t have glass near you, use a bug screen. These components easily fit on your soda or beer can and due to their perforated features, don’t allow any insect or critter to get inside the cans.
7. Blinds, Curtains, and Nets
Again, how to keep away household insects in UK? Pull the blinds or curtains on your window or install anti-insect nettings. Many insects like beetles and flies get attracted to the light, therefore, to keep them at bay you need to be a little extra cautious and invest a little in your doors and windows.
8. The Ravening Rats
With ever-growing teeth, rats are one of the most destructive rodents in the world. They tend to wreak havoc in whichever household they propagate in. They are the highest consumers of grains, thus, causing an extensive nuisance in the storage. Also, because they have this tendency of gnawing and burrowing, they cause damage to the clothes, furniture, packaging, etc. All of these result in a huge financial and material loss. Moreover, rats and mice cause deadly diseases like hantavirus, lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCMV), Salmonella, etc.
Bait stations, peppermint oil, cayenne oil, pepper, cloves, and laying traditional rat traps help you rid of these menaces. Also, you need to keep a check on leftover food items scattered on the floor or in the kitchen area. Over-the-counter rat poisons also help.
9. Birds, How To Keep Them Away?
Birds are natural predators of insects, therefore, allowing birds to enter your facility may prove beneficial. However, firstly, keeping birds in captivity is agonizing for them as they are naturally free animals, secondly, birds tend to build nests in the skylights or windows, as they can’t differentiate between glass and a view without one, they often tend to throw themselves on the glass-panes ultimately, damaging them. They also have this habit of pecking on the loose wires, which might prove damaging as well as dangerous.
Use blinds or curtains to cover your windows, you may also install a decal that proves useful against other wild animals too.
10. Don’t Keep It Unsealed
Keeping food items uncovered or unsealed can prove immensely dangerous as insects and mites would sit on that food and contaminate it with cocoons, and feces which eventually cause dangerous diseases which are caused by harmful microorganisms carried by those insects. Therefore, keeping your food sealed when you are not eating it is of extreme importance.
There are plentiful options to do pest control Bristol. You may call up the local authority or a private pest exterminating company, as these are the easier options that you would want to reach out to. But, taking precautionary measures at your end proves equally vital.