5 Basic Firearm Safety Rules To Always Remember

Published On: Apr 28, 2021
5 Basic Firearm Safety Rules To Always Remember

It’s your most important responsibility to store your firearm safely and securely at all times. The gun and ammunition should always be secured separately and far from the access of children and people untrained in firearms safety. Keeping your firearm secure and locked away from unauthorized access is crucial for your safety as well as the safety of others. If you leave a gun unattended, ensure that it’s unloaded, locked, and secure.

With guns, you never fool around or play. Guns are dangerous if not handled correctly. You and anyone around you can easily have their lives endangered when a weapon is not used correctly. To avoid accidents, gun handling rules must always be observed.

Before you apply for an Online Louisiana concealed carry permit, educate yourself with some basic firearm safety rules. When using firearms, everyone needs to follow a few simple safety precautions to protect themselves and others. Following these rules is paramount to keeping you and others safe when a gun is around:

1.  Treat The Gun As If It’s Loaded

Gun safety starts with this rule. Of course, if the bolt is locked and the slide is held open with the chamber empty and the magazine out, a firearm will not fire – but this is more a matter of avoiding bad habits.

There should be no distinction between loaded and unloaded. If a shooter is inclined to muzzle unintentionally or incorrectly when a gun is clear and unloaded, the same unsafe movement can occur when a gun is loaded. As a result, safe gun handling is truly encouraged,

Every day there are eight children accidentally shot due to unsecured guns at home. In a number of these, the shooter likely believed the gun wasn’t loaded. Hence, this is one case when it really pays to play safe. Assume that the gun is loaded.

2.  Always Unload A Gun When Not In Use

When the firearm is not in use, unload it. This way, even if you leave it unattended whether intentionally or not, there won’t be any accident should anyone happen to access the gun out of curiosity or without meaning to.

3.  Keep The Muzzle In A Safe Direction

This rule should be treated as a primary commandment. As responsible as you are for your bullet after it leaves the barrel, it practically carries your name. If the gun is pointed in a safe direction and it discharges, no harm will occur. So, ensure that the muzzle is in the correct position. Common sense dictates the safest direction depending on where you are and what you are doing. Furthermore, it would help to read a gun holsters guide for concealed carry. This way, you can get a reliable holster so that your gun will always point away from other people even when you carry it around.

4.  Mind the Trigger

It only takes a finger to pull the trigger, whether single or double action. Stress combined with inadequate training causes most accidental discharges. Thus, it’s safer to keep your finger away from the trigger when holding the gun. The muscles in your hand will become uncontrollable at a moment of stress – such as after you trip and fall – and you can almost certainly drop the gun or pull the trigger, causing an accidental discharge.

Stress hormones result in the sensitivity of the extremities (particularly fingers) being reduced. Therefore, the shooter can lose sensation and become incapable of controlling how much pressure is placed on the trigger. Online searches will yield several videos demonstrating how accidents like this happen all too frequently, especially among legal authorities and individuals in tense situations when a dangerous individual needs to be held at gunpoint. Shooters must be aware of this critical safety rule as quickly as possible and follow it with great care.

5.  Know Your Target And Beyond It

Your bullet won’t simply stop after hitting the object you’re shooting at unless you’re shooting at a proper backstop, for instance, a mound of dirt. Bullets cannot be controlled when they’re speeding through a large animal’s body, so they keep speeding through until they’re stopped, like when they hit a house or car. If you have to fire your gun, be aware of your target’s surroundings to ensure your bullet doesn’t go astray, hitting an unknowing bystander or piece of valuable property.


A gun isn’t a joke. If you’ve got to have one around, you should be serious about safety. Allow these crucial guidelines to hone you as you continue with your journey of handling firearms.

CATEGORIES : Public Safety
Monika Verma