7 Appliance Features That Make Life Easier

7 Appliance Features That Make Life Easier

The rapid technological developments in recent decades have not only taken convenience to a different level but also ensured that luxury becomes relatively more affordable. It will take less than a minute for you to realize how drastically our surroundings have changed, and we are not talking about deforestation or global warming! Yes, we are referring to the technological advancements due to which almost everything is getting on the autopilot mode day-by-day.

For trivial items, like a washing machine, there are numerous features introduced lately which make your appliances better than ever. We have curated a list of some appliance features that you would definitely find cool.

Motion sensor

Some appliances are smart enough to detect your presence to start functioning. It can be a touchless faucet that remains hygienic as nobody ever touches it with dirty hands or it can be your bedroom lamps that turn on and off automatically with your presence. Motion sensors have found their places in fans as well!

WiFi Connect

No need to go for patrolling before you sleep. Appliances these days have WiFi Connect features that let you connect them with an app on your smartphone. So be it the temperature of the freezer or an open door of the refrigerator, it is just a notification away from you.

Bluetooth sync

Just like WiFi Connect, devices can be connected to your smartphones through Bluetooth. This enables you to perform all actions pretty much with a few movements of your fingertips. It works wonders when available in a kitchen appliance – like the microwave – absolutely no need to stand next to it for setting the timer.

Bottle jets

Dishwashers today outperform human hands without a doubt. We have all been through the tough task of washing a narrow-mouthed water bottle. With practically no struggle, bottle jet is one such feature that cleanses bottles and vases, and should not be missed if you purchase a dishwasher. Need to be sure first? Rent appliances in Pune and purchase one if you love it.

Finger touch controls

Introduction to touch controls has basically removed knobs. But that’s not the only change, appliances have become compact and look trendy due to this feature. From over to cooler, this feature is available in a wide range of devices and lets you control it with small movements of your fingers

Soap & water monitor

Washing clothes today is literally all about loading the machine with clothes and taking them out. Detergent and water content, wash cycle, drying time, etc. are all decided by the machine. According to a publication on Newzfresh, you can look for the best washing machine list in India and you will see options that have such features

Voice command

From activation to all-round control, this feature finds a place in many appliances given the convenience it offers. Just like some people are obsessed with using their smartphones using voice commands, the feature comes handy our daily use appliances too.

Owning these appliances and features is now possible in more than one way. You can even rent furniture in Pune and there comes a probability of getting such appliances if you are in a short-term need.

CATEGORIES : Home Appliances Lifestyle


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