Allergic Conjunctivitis Treatment – Jiva Ayurveda

Published On: Aug 04, 2017

Press Release ( - Faridabad, India - Aug 04, 2017 - Sometimes when your eyes come in contact with or are exposed to substances like pollen, they tend to become red, itchy, and watery. These are the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis. Well, Allergic conjunctivitis is an eye swelling or infection condition which is caused by an allergic reaction to substances like pollen.Allergic conjunctivitis is experienced when your body tries to defend against a perceived threat. Allergic Conjunctivitis happens as a reaction to things that trigger the release of histamine. The body produces this potent chemical to fight off any perceived threat.

It has also been noted that some people also experiences allergic conjunctivitis as a reaction to certain medications or substances dropped into the eyes, such as contact lens solution or eye drops.According to Ayurveda, conjunctivitis (netrabhishyanda) is generally caused by deterioration of pitta and kapha doshas.The eye is an abode of the pitta, but if kapha dosha gets aggravated in the eye, it starts affecting the pitta from the eye and turns it into a wetland. However, this has an adverse effect on your eye causing redness, watery secretions, yellow discharge and swelling. Jiva Ayurveda focuses on Ayurvedic treatment that consists of internal cleansing herbs to relieve the aggravated body energies as well as the application of ayurvedic pastes to the affected area.

Jiva Ayurveda also advises a little change in diet and lifestyle to deal with Allergic Conjunctivitis.

• Wash your eyes with clean water and wipe it with clean towel to protect them from infections.

• It is better to wear dark glasses to protect eye irritations since the eye becomes very sensitive to light during allergic conjunctivitis.

• For food it is always best to take easily digestible and light food during allergic conjunctivitis.

If all the change in lifestyle and food is not helping much with the problem, you can always use some simple home remedies for relieve from the irritation such as

• Soak ½ teaspoonful of Triphala powder in a glass overnight and in the morning filter it and use this water to wash your eyes.

• Boil 1 small bowl of freshly cut coriander leaves in 2 glasses of water and let it cool then use this solution to wash your eyes 3-4 times a day.

Allergic Conjunctivitis can easily be treated with the help of Jiva Ayurveda or our online store where you can order easily from the comforts of your home


Business Info :
Jiva Ayurveda
Plot No:3, DLF Industrial Area, Faridabad, Haryana. 121001
Phone: 0129-4040404