Press Release (ePRNews.com) - MANHATTAN BEACH, Calif. - May 09, 2017 - On April 29th Skies of Nazca map maker The Alchemist uploaded the latest update to Skies of Nazca. One of the many mods / maps currently in the ARK Sponsored Mods campaign headed up by the games developer Studio Wildcard.
In this latest update, which adds another gig of content pushing the mod to 4.2 gigs as a download now adds the second layer of the Axis Mundi cave system under the island that spans roughly half the size of the giant mountain.
“It’s huge” the maps author says “there is so much to do and see, you can easily spend 10 hours down there and i’m not even done. once its done, it will be like a whole new world under the main map”
Skies of Nazca is the second map to be made by The Alchemist (real name Dean Martinetti) with Thieves Island being the first.
The original intent for the maps was to be used as a promotional tool for the now closed Rogue Records America and its bands. A new way to market their music to potential new fans. but the maps took on a life of their own, with Dean leaving the label to pursue working in the ARK editor, which eventually led to him being picked up and put into the program.
“I lucked out and now I need to make good and make the best maps I can make for the game, and its user base” he added “maybe even one day get them ported to console…its up to the players.”
Thieves Island is complete and was updated with bug fixes and optimizations on April 20th
Skies of Nazca is still under production, is about 70% complete and will be updated again the last Saturday in May.
You can get both maps on Steam right now by going to the workshop for ARK
Source : The Alchemist