Author, James H. Osborne, Will Your Way Back – Inspirational Spinal Cord Injury Recovery Story

Published On: Feb 16, 2017

Press Release ( - MERCER ISLAND, Wash. - Feb 16, 2017 - James H. Osborne recently published his first book Will Your Way Back. James’ book chronicles his catastrophic road cycling accident from 2007, which rendered him quadriplegic. His book is a personal, unfiltered and in places vulnerable account of his hard-fought process to recover lost fine and gross motor function.

The core of the book is his injury and recovery, interlaced with numerous life experiences, reflections and insights that offer hope, inspiration and possibility to those facing this “unimaginable” injury or anyone else facing life’s adversities. What makes James’ book so compelling is his willingness to be completely open, unabashed in his raw and candid story telling. He reveals his heart-felt fears, tragedies, triumphs, setbacks and countless victories that have brought him to where he is today.

It didn’t start out that way. Days after the injury while James was convalescing in ICU his prognosis was grim filled with uncertainty. James had not only damaged his spinal cord in his neck but had also dissected an artery that fed blood supply to his brain. Fortunately for James the damaged artery did not hemorrhage in to his brain and there was a redundant artery still in tact on the other side of his neck. Further, James had no movement from his mid-abdomen down to his toes.

With that as a starting point James began the long, painstakingly slow process of regaining lost function and rebuilding his life. It has been monumentally difficult work filled with thousands of appointments with practitioners and rehab sessions in the pool and gym. These have helped James rebuild physicality, as well as strengthen his mental constitution, which had been significantly impacted by so much loss.

James’ story will captivate you in the way he draws you into his story such that he could be sitting on his couch talking directly to you. His style is open, honest, raw, revealing – conversational in tone. His explanations of the medical side of the injury are written in layman’s terms and easy to understand. He also goes in to depth about living moment by moment and the arduous nature of everything he does.

James had every reason to give up and give in to this injury. He pays a price for everything he does, whether it is sitting, standing, driving, working or exercising. The headwinds are formidable, the residual deficits relentless. Despite these James takes it one day at a time, following his adopted credo from his early days in the hospital, “get independent.” James resolved early on not to be a medical science statistic that suggested his recovery trajectory would flatten out after 1-2 years. James has been a medical outlier. James has had more recovery in the last 7 years than the first 3 years by many fold.

James’ practitioners are intrigued by his continuing recovery. James explains in the book some of the techniques he has used to accomplish things that were felt to be too daunting, too far out of reach, too difficult. James uses goal setting, visualization, and mindfulness to make dreams come true, and they have!

James describes himself as a ‘mindful’ moviemaker. Once he has chosen a vision, James writes the script in great detail in his head, visualizes it, edits, publishes, acts, produces and directs this internal movie. He repeats this over and over again until the movie can play by itself without any conscious prompting. When the time is right, these visions have come true, even the ones that seemed too audacious, even impossible. These are the times James describes as feeling most alive. They motivate James to make new choices and pursue them with the same resolve. Dreams are made true.

James was raised in Weston, MA. He was the 4th of 5 children. He attended Weston public schools through junior high, attended a private boarding school in Avon, CT called Avon Old Farms School and received his B.S. degree in Healthcare Administration from Ithaca College in Ithaca, NY. James met his wife of 36 years a year after finishing college, married in 1980 and moved from NYC to Seattle in the spring of 1981. James built a successful career in IT management working in Healthcare, Real Estate Investment & Property Management, Internet startup, retail and currently higher education.

James has had an affinity for sports and exercise since he rowed division III crew at Ithaca. James continued to stay active playing many different sports including tournament squash, golf, tennis, skiing, running, backpacking, hiking and road cycling. Sports are James’ sanctuary, a place of solace and refuge. He stayed very active until 2007 when his life was shattered in an instant.

James is excited to share his story and knows that lives are waiting to be touched with compelling messages of hope, compassion, inspiration, safety, trust, capability, advocacy and belief.

James is a sought after speaker and has a rapidly growing list of events coming up including a podcast with Defy Injury, speaking events at UW Bookstore and Island Books, a TEDx presentation at Bellevue College and a book signing at a local winery, Northwest Cellars.

Will Your Way Back: How One Man Overcame Tragedy with a Winning Mindset is now available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble

Official Site:

Watch James Osborne’s story here:

Source : James H. Osborne LLC
Business Info :
James H. Osborne LLC
Mercer Island, Washington - 98040 United States