AVIVA WO/MAN Provides The Latest Solutions To Common Feminine Health Concerns

Published On: May 05, 2021

Press Release (ePRNews.com) - Millcreek, UT - May 05, 2021 - AVIVA WO/MAN is a fusion hormone medical spa in Utah specializing in hormone balance and intimate health care. Their main goal is to empower women and men in Salt Lake City to take charge of their intimate health by addressing sensitive topics not often discussed in a traditional health clinic. The medical spa is nestled in the ideal location in Millcreek, providing a welcoming environment and perfect space for women to share intimate concerns and receive the latest solutions to common feminine health concerns.

Offering a simple guide on chemical peels, the company spokesperson said, “A chemical peel is a procedure where Alpha Hydroxy Acids or Beta Hydroxy Acids are applied to the skin and left on for some time, or layers added to deepen the effects. In this treatment, the top layer of the skin is peeled off to smooth the skin and provide benefits such as fading lines and scars. The chemical peels have a gel-like consistency and are applied to the face. It can also be applied to other parts of the body, but the face is the common area used. The purpose of using the chemical peel is to remove dull skin cells, which leads to improvement in fine line, discoloration, acne and more.”

Hormonal changes and the blessing of childbirth can bring about some vaginal health concerns such as dryness, bladder incontinence, laxity, loss of sensitivity, orgasmic dysfunction, and more.

At AVIVA WO/MAN, they specialize in a vaginal rejuvenation procedure known as ThermiVa, which helps tighten, relieve, and improve many vaginal health concerns. The procedure is usually by one of their intimate care specialists nurse practitioners, which offers no downtime and is pain-free. It is a safe and more convenient alternative to labiaplasty in Salt Lake City or various lasers. The medical spa welcomes women of all ages for the procedure.

Responding to an inquiry on whether having a balanced hormone level boosts brain function, the company spokesperson said, “The function of the brain usually depends on how hormones in the body are properly balanced. This is the reason why women experience brain fog and lack of focus when having an imbalanced hormonal activity. Hormonal imbalances can also result in other major problems such as increased mood swings and decreased energy level if left neglected for a long time. This is why at AVIVA WO/MAN  we help women keep their hormones balanced by our expert knowledge and treatment process. Generally, proper sleeping, regular exercises and healthy diets are three important factors that impact hormonal secretion.”

Genetics plays a big role in the way we age and react to the sun. Keeping a regular regime of home care with a medical spa will add longevity to any of the skincare facial therapies they provide. Microdermabrasion is one skincare treatment AVIVA WO/MAN provides in Millcreek, UT. Their microdermabrasion skincare treatment is a wonderful option for improving the appearance of sun damage and pigmentation, as well as fine lines and skin resurfacing. This treatment comes complete with a chemical peel and collagen fleece mask to help keep the skin supple and youthful. So, try microdermabrasion in Utah today.


AVIVA WO/MAN  provides the best bioidentical hormone therapy in Utah. They have expertly trained professionals with many years of combined experience who offer personalized services to clients.

Contact Details

Company Name: Aviva Woman

999 E Murray Holladay Road,

Suite 204

Millcreek, UT 84117

Telephone: 801.500.0.919

Fax: 801.508.2661

Email: info@avivawoman.com

Website: https://avivawoman.com/

Source : Aviva Woman