Press Release (ePRNews.com) - ORLANDO, Fla. - May 09, 2017 - Of all the press releases I have written over the years, this one is at the top of this list as being the most significant to write.
I am proposing a project to build a community center in Scottsmoor, Florida where people attending funerals at the Cape Canaveral National Cemetery.There will also be a couple of other facilities that people will have access to as well.
I sent an email to Berny Dohrmann, Founder of CEO Space International, letting him know I wanted to give him the honor of naming the Community Center. I sent him several ideas of what I thought would make great names for this facility. I approve of his choice in naming the building.
Berny Dohrmann
Performing Arts Center
There are not enough words to express my pleasure that he selected this as the name for this building.
If you have never heard of Berny Dohrmann, you probably don’t know how many lives he has touched over the years. I am sure you know the names of Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and Bob Proctors. There is a huge list of names that I could name of people who Berny has helped get to the forefront of their particular industry.
Anyone who meets Berny has one of the most amazing experiences of their life. I don’t know of anyone who has the business connections that he has, the business expetise, nor the ability to help people accelerate their growth in business and all matters related to any commerce.
For people who want to expand a business, launch a new product, create business networking partners, and anything to do with taking a business from start-up to national and even international expansion, Berny’s CEO Space International is the place to start.
About the Berny Dohrmann Performing Arts Center which will be located in Scottsmoor, Florida:
This building along with a few other facilities will serve the needs of people visiting and/or attending funerals at the Cape Canaverl National Cemetery. My belief is that this building will serve to help people deal with the loss of a loved one by being a place of inspiration and a memorial to all those who have served in the Unitied States Military. I am going to see to it that the ambience, mood, and characteristics of this facility and surrounding facilities offer a serene atmosphere. It will also serve as a place to celebrate life.
We are offering those who support this project through financial contributions the opportunity to be a part of the Community Center project. Initally, we are offering contributors a plaque or brick which will be placed in the foyer on that Wall of Honor. The person making the contribution can have their own name on the plaque or brick or the name of a loved one.
For more information on how to purchase a memorial plaque visit: vetfusion.org/wallofhonor.html
For information about CEO Space International visit: www.CEOSpaceInternational.com
Source : Bruce Barbre