Can Pregnant Women Use CBD?

Published On: Sep 14, 2020
Can Pregnant Women Use CBD?

Everything pregnant women do can potentially influence a baby in the womb. Apart from prenatal vitamins, prescription medications, and over-the-counter drugs, there are not many other substances they can take. The growing acceptance of hemp in the United States has encouraged the emergence of CBD oil products. But only one of them has been officially licensed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Still, CBD has become a popular remedy for a wide range of medical purposes.

Even though CBD oil is not addictive, it still has not been identified as a safe product for pregnant women. Nevertheless, is it safe to use CBD during pregnancy and how to buy CBD oil remain some of the most popular questions waiting for answers.

What is CBD?

CBD, or Cannabidiol, is a chemical element extracted from the cannabis plant. While there is not enough research reflecting the positive or negative characteristics of CBD, many people around the world tend to use it for therapeutic purposes. Compared to another common element extracted from cannabis (THC), CBD does not bring mind-changing effects.

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), it is not recommended for pregnant women to take CBD. Due to the lack of thorough research on this subject matter, the use of this remedy has a great number of controversies. While using CBD oil is considered to be less harmful than smoking cannabis, this does not make it a safe product for pregnant women. In fact, taking CBD during pregnancy can pose some known and unknown risks for the fetus.

Why Pregnant Women Might Need CBD?

While there are special pharmaceutical treatments for pregnant women, the popularity of more natural alternatives keeps growing. CBD oil as one of the plant-based supplements is intended for a wide range of applications. Thus, CBD is known for its potential to relieve symptoms of depression, stress, anxiety, and insomnia. While all these issues are often experienced by pregnant women, this remedy is a possible solution for them.

The Risks of CBD for a Fetus

CBD oil is a new and totally hectic market. Considering the fact that there is no comprehensive research on healthy pregnant women and CBD, the risks have not been fully estimated yet. After all, even low-dose products cannot be considered safe during pregnancy. For instance, when future moms smoke hemp, its elements might hit the placenta and affect the fetus. Thus, the use of hemp can have potential risks of interrupting normal fetal brain development and giving birth to a smaller or even dead baby. Although there is no confirmed data to state that CBD oil alone features these risks, even a tiny possibility of them to be true needs to be avoided.

You can also see lots of requests like “Where to buy CBD oil for cancer?” This is where things get even more serious. While the risks have not been clearly stated, like in the case of pregnancy, it may be dangerous to impose the use of CBD for medical conditions like these.

Is CBD Right For You?

According to CBD gummies reviews, most pregnant women feel unsure about CBD due to unknown side effects. While smoking cannabis and using CBD oil are two different things, this does not mean the harm caused by cannabis use cannot be triggered by isolated cannabinoids like CBD. But even if you consider using it, consult with your physician or OB/GYN (a doctor specializing in Obstetrics and Gynecology). Also, it won’t hurt to speak with a naturopathic doctor who has the relevant qualification to prescribe natural and CBD-based treatments.

While the safe use of CBD by pregnant women is up in the air, this decision should be based on her personal perception of what is best for her and her future child. When it comes to CBD oil, where to buy it and how to use it are less important questions than the related risks. Thus, disadvantages need to be weighed against the advantages.

In order to get rid of morning sickness, have a peaceful night’s rest, and achieve the state of relaxation, a physician may recommend some alternative therapies that involve fewer risks or are backed up by more concrete research. Until the FDA provides more information about CBD products and their effects on pregnant women, the use of CBD can hardly be advised.


Carrying a baby is a tough experience, both emotionally and physically. But this reason is not enough to justify the not yet scientifically approved use of CBD oil. The point is that there are far more questions than answers when it comes to CBD, especially for pregnant women. Even though it is not a problem for people to find out where to buy full spectrum CBD oil these days,  the best advice you can get is to discuss its consumption with your doctor. If it is possible, try to find more appropriate methods to get relief without causing any harm to your baby.

CATEGORIES : Healthcare
Monika Verma