Press Release (ePRNews.com) - AUSTIN, Texas - Jun 04, 2017 - Prsenl has launched a crowdfunding campaign for the month of June, for development of the me– Network prototype, a platform with apps to enable easy consumer decisions and street level Climate Action. Breaking down the challenge of taking action into its fundamental steps, the me– Network’s Profile tool establishes a unique Personal Energy ID and a 10-year decarbonization goal. First digitizing energy consumption behavior and preferences to create a unique NUMBER, TYPE and LEVEL, the Profile then enables daily micro decisions that train the user to make easy choices that conform to the user’s goal. Other aspects of the Profile tool sustain motivation, create discounts and savings, and spur additional action.
Launched one day before President’s Trump’s announcement to withdraw the United States from the Paris Agreement, this Kickstarter campaign anticipated the reaction of Climate Change activists in favor of decarbonization. “Trump outlined a bright line between those who see continuing fossil fuels as vital to economics and jobs and those who acknowledge decarbonization – rapid retreat from fossil fuels – as the only path left to slow down Climate Change,” explained Prsenl’s president John Cooper. “The US is at or near the top in both national and per capita Carbon Emissions, but we’re 44th when ranked by energy and climate policies. The American consumer is key to tackling Decarbonization.”
Cooper highlighted responses this week from US mayors, governors, and corporations – namely, the Mayor’s National Climate Action Agenda and the United States Climate Alliance – saying, “We’re the bottom up market response to complement these top-down government and corporate Climate Action initiatives.” Prsenl plans a prototype development and initial market test in Austin, Texas, a market friendly to new ideas, starting in Fall 2017. Thereafter, the company will test other progressive markets, then launch a national rollout in 2018.
Cooper positioned the Kickstarter campaign as a first step to unite energy consumers worldwide on a mission to reduce consumer carbon footprints, starting with American consumers. “States like California and New York and cities like my hometown of Austin are proving that consumers can enjoy a modern lifestyle with a lower carbon footprint. We can step away from fossil fuels and still enjoy our lives,” Cooper offered, “Sound economics and a clean environment are not mutually exclusive if we use our imaginations and get busy.”
Cooper describes new energy technologies like solar power, LED lighting, electric vehicles and smart thermostats as a new market category that he calls Personal Energy, sometimes referencing the term Clean Electricity in contrast to Fossil Fuels.
A Quinnipiac poll in early April (https://poll.qu.edu/national/release-detail?ReleaseID=2448) revealed broad public concern with Trump’s attacks against the U.S. EPA and his rollback of clean water, clean air and climate regulations. While majorities of all age groups disapproved, there was a dramatic divide among younger voters: 79% of Americans under age 35 disapproved of Trump’s environmental stance. “It’s time for American consumers to step up and be counted,” Cooper concluded, “Our goal is to make change as easy and fast as possible using proven technologies.” The Kickstarter campaign can be found at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1009892676/universal… .
About Prsenl. Prsenl (“personal”) is the first company in the new industry category of Personal Energy, providing marketing services from the perspective of the energy consumer/innovative prosumer. Prsenl has designed the me– Network as a strategy to engage consumers facing a double challenge: letting go of fossil fuels that are central to their lives and rapidly adopting new forms of unfamiliar clean electricity technologies.
Source : Prsenl