Press Release (ePRNews.com) - Queensland, Australia - Apr 14, 2023 - So many items, snacks, and drinks can be used to keep a party or event lively. Getting the best drinks can sometimes be a hassle, but with trusted supplies always ready to deliver exceptional products, party hosts can remain calm and stress-free. Croc Piss is a leading liquor supplier and rum distillery in Australia. The liquor supply company provides premium drinks for various occasions and events. Some of their products include Croc Piss original rum, Croc Coffee Espresso, Croc Vodka, and Mega Croc Head. Troy Read established the distillery, and with their passion & commitment shown through the years, they won the Australian “Rum of the Year” at the Melbourne International Spirits Competition.
In response to a query about their services, the spokesperson of Croc Piss commented, “We are focused on providing products of superior quality. With industry-standard equipment and a fully equipped facility, you can rest assured of getting the best from us. Troy Read began our rum supply company to develop and advance his vision in Far North Queensland. Along with the help of family and friends, he put a lot of time and effort into research, refining, and distilling, and from there came what we have today as Croc Piss. However, the company’s initial name was FNQ spirits, but after renting a modest 100 square meter shed in Bungalow and getting his first still, he made the name Croc Piss.”
Croc Piss has skilled and dedicated professionals in its workforce. The Australia-based distillery puts its clients’ needs first, which has helped them maintain the same quality of products for years. They were awarded the 2021 Vodka Masters Winner, as the crystal clear spirit of their Vodka has been highly exceptional. Their Vodka includes grapes, sugar, grains, fruits, corn, potatoes, and roots. It is also distilled to 90% or more alcohol by volume. This removes all the potential smell and taste of the ingredients used to produce it before diluting the spirit to the much more palatable 40% alcohol.
Therefore, people looking for top Australian rum distilleries can try Croc Piss’s services.
The spokesperson added, “Vodka is popular in countries such as the United States, Estonia, Latvia, Finland, Iceland, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Norway, Poland, and the Czech Republic. It has remained one of the most renowned liquors for centuries. You can trust that our Croc Piss Vodka comes in soothing and unique flavours that fit your taste. If you are also interested in our Croc Piss Gift Pack, which includes Croc Piss original, Croc coffee, and our award-winning range of Croc Vodka, you can place your order today.”
Croc Piss provides its clients and customers with peerless products. Those looking for the best Vodka in Australia can check out their store.
About Croc Piss:
Croc Piss is a quality-driven distillery in Australia offering Vodka gift pack online and other special products.
Contact Information:
Croc Piss
FNQ Spirits
436 – 438 Sheridan St,
North Cairns
Queensland 4870
Phone: +617 4000 7245
Email: troy@fnqspirits.com.au
Website: https://crocpiss.com.au/