Press Release (ePRNews.com) - CHESTER, Va. - Jul 31, 2017 - CONTACT:
Rick Bates, Managing Editor
CrossLink Publishing
God created you and knows you by name. Discover the power of naming.
Castle Rock, CO/August 11, 2017– CrossLink Publishing is pleased to announce the release in paperback and eBook formats for the Amazon Kindle, the Barnes & Noble Nook, and the Apple iBookstore of Dear Mrs. Noah:Letters to Unnamed Women of the Bible by Roberta Damon of Chester, VA.
Dr. Phyllis Rodgerson Pleasants Tessieri, John F. Loftis Professor of Church History emeritus, Baptist Theological Seminary of Richmond states, “Imaginatively entering into the Biblical text using her knowledge of historical context and family psychology, Dr. Damon creates an evocative text for recognizing issues of faith, doubt, belief, identity, shame and affirmation in both historical and contemporary people.’
Many women in Scripture are known only by some event (The Woman at the Well, The Widow’s Mite), by some illness (The Woman with the Issue of Blood, The Woman Bent Over Double), or by their relationship to a man (Peter’s Mother-in-law, Job’s Wife). Not being named strikes at issues of identity and worth. Dear Mrs. Noah consists of letters written to women of the Bible, the naming of each woman, and questions for personal pondering or group discussion.
Dear Mrs. Noah: Letters to Unnamed Women of the Bible (ISBN 978-1-63357-102-0 Trade Paper 134 pages, $14.95,
BIBLE STUDY )from CrossLink Publishing, is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and wherever fine books are sold.
About the Author
Roberta Damon holds a doctorate in marriage and family counseling. Her career includes missionary service in Brazil, and years of counseling at First Baptist Church in Richmond, VA, and the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. She has written for denominational publications in both English and Portuguese. The author offive previous books, she is the wife of one, the mother of two and the grandmother of three.
About the Publisher
CrossLink Publishing is a traditional Christian publishing company based in Castle Rock, CO. CrossLink publishes a variety of bible study, meditation, and spiritual growth books distributed by AtlasBooks. For more information, visit CrossLink Publishing.com.
Source : Crosslink Publishing