Press Release (ePRNews.com) - Feb 07, 2017 - Imagine that you need a solution to a certain problem or situation requiring a service or product. You walk into a room filled with businesses that can fill at least part of your need. You’re not really sure, because each of these businesses only has some of their information available for you make a decision. This takes a lot of time to figure out who to contact, How many? Now, you leave that room and enter another room with only one business that can help you. You know this because you’ve been able to see all of their information in one spot.
Now imagine yourself you are one of the business owners. Which room do you want to be in and which room do you want the consumer to enter? The answer should be the same room; the one with just your business in it. Wouldn’t that be great! Impossible though, right? Not any more. Keep reading.
To assist businesses in taking advantage a rapidly emerging company in digital marketing Total Front Page has developed a new technology that lets your business dominate your competition. Please keep reading for more information.
A dictionary (remember those?) defines competition like this – “the effort of two or more parties acting independently to secure the business of a third party by offering the most favorable terms”. For our consumer who is looking for answers to his needs or wants, in your industry and locale, you have competitors, because no business is in a room by themselves waiting for the consumer to choose. Right? Not exactly.
The physical room doesn’t exist. The internet and, more specifically, search engines, does exist. Every listing in the search engine results that is not your business is competition looking to get the consumer’s business. So how can we create the room with just your business in it? A room that would significantly increase the chances of getting the user to choose your business.
A few paragraphs earlier, we asked you to keep reading. Here’s why. With a revolutionary technology in digital marketing, Total Front Page can create that room with only your business inside. This new technology is also called Front Page. Front Page let’s your business appear in the autocomplete boxes AND in each organic listing on the first page of Google and Bing – every one of them and sometimes more on the following pages. Approximately, 95% of decisions are made on the first page of a search engine.
Just imagine if you had every organic spot. No competitors – just your business. Think about that.
Find Total Front Page at http://www.totalfrontpage.com.
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