Evolution Skill: a platform against money laundering
Press Release (ePRNews.com) - BRESCIA, Italy - Nov 04, 2016 - A checkup that helps the banks in the struggle against the money laundering. It’s Evolution Skill, an innovative operating system created by the company L&P Consulenti srl (www.lpconsulenti.it) from Brescia (Italy) with Sinergica Spa and the Scientific Committee on AML Course at La Sapienza University of Rome.
Essentially, Evolution Skill, how the CEO of L&P Ettore Fareri explains, it enables individual banks to measure their capacities for countering money laundering, through careful screening on staff. And it investigates, in a fast and flessible way, also involving to assess the competences in the different areas – mastery of the role, adapt check, IT archive, limiting the use of cash and reporting of suspicious transactions – to which we can bring the money laundering regulations, highlighting with precision eventual administrative or organizational levels of criticality.
EVOLUTION SKILL® is, therefore, a web base system of survey that allows, with its operating sessions-labs, employees have the possibility to measure that provisions of their role. In a short time, it’s possible to verify not only how much they know, but also if they can operate with coherence with the company rules and the legal regulations.
With a simple click you can access the labs of:
ie what is known of the regulation and legislation
that is, if correctly interpret the prescribed organizational behavior, both for intensity and frequency
3. ACT
that is if they are able to responsibly direct their activities and, therefore, to implement knowledge, experience and ability in facing and solving problems that arise daily.
The analysis resut will be converted in synthetic indicators that will permit to:
A. know the level of risk to which you are exposed, by comparing the data emerging from the survey on their own people with a Benchmarking built on the basis of an archive data from thousands of others who have been subjected to the survey;
B. finalize the training programs to the real needs, ensuring effective investment to be made in human resources, through a formative orientation indicator built on the basis of the targets defined by the Company’s profile.
«It is a completely innovative digital instrument – remarks Fareri – who had in recent months a very positive response on the part of credit institutions, with more than three thousand professionals analyzed anti-money laundering». L&P Consulenti, founded in 1996 and taken over in 2011 by Ettore Fareri – that has a a long experience in banking – operates with a network of 15 professionals, mainly in the banking and insurance sector, in research and selection of personnel, management and development of human resources and diagnostic skills.
With sales volume doubled in recent years, which is around 500 thousand euro. Growth, as remembered the same Fareri, supported by investment. «We invest a quarter of sales in new technologies – Fareri concludes – to improve diagnostic processes, but also to implement the dynamics of our web platform». For further information, write to info@evolutionskill.it
Source : L&P ConsulentiL&P Consulenti