Functional Food Therapeutic Lifestyle Intervention Program can save Europ €115B a year

Press Release ( - TORONTO - Apr 21, 2017 - a natural health consulting service company SkyBlue Cross, announced that they have published their Natural Health Research Achievement The World most Intelligent, Effective, Natural Health Therapeutic Functional Food Lifestyle Mediation Programs are Invented and Developed against most common Chronic Diseases . Those Programs are Following and applying National Institute of Health & CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ) Guideline & Suggestions that Therapeutic Lifestyle changes can be the Lifestyle modifications against complex health Problems; the company also find the ways to deal with the many complex health problems with their simple, effective Functional Food Therapeutic Lifestyle Change Intervention Program. So Far, SkyBlue Cross already have invented and developed Lifestyle Mediation Programs against High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, Prostatitis, Chronic Constipation, Insomnia and Vitiligo. For more detail information, please visit:
According Éanna Kelly, Science} Business: Chronic disease costs European economy €115B a year, Reference source:
SkyBlue Cross Founder, Senior Consultant Said: Most Chronic Diseases should be caused by long time harmful lifestyle and unbalanced nutrient intake. Functional Food Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes Mediation Program could the right effective solution for Chronic Diseases issues. For most detail Information, please refer:
About SkyBlue Cross Corp.: SkyBlue Cross is a Complementary and Integrated Medicine consulting company based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Founded in 2006.SkyBlue Cross considers Complementary and Integrated medicine as kind of Great Pyramids of medicine and health, many human being treasures of medicine had been discovered and served people in the world.
Source : SkyBlue Cross Corp.
SkyBlue Cross Corp.
unit 109, 485 Patricia Avenue
Toronto, Ontario - m2r 0a2 Canada
Phone: 416-833-0788