How can you use a natural substitute for food coloring?

Published On: Jun 10, 2022
How can you use a natural substitute for food coloring?

If your kids love colors, try to add food coloring to many food items for them. It will insist they eat. You can make colorful jams, shakes, cakes, biscuits, and even their favorite pasta. But from where will you get these food colorings? Exberry food colors are the best choice for you, but you know what; you can also use a natural substitute for food coloring. So, are you ready to explore? If yes, let’s move towards the further read.

It’s incredible how beautiful & colorful food can be! Food dyes are generated to have no flavor; a natural substitute for food coloring has a lot of flavors. So that is something you want to think about.

Ideas about natural substitutes for food coloring

You can use freeze-dried fruits that should be converted into powder and then transformed into a food color. Or you can utilize a liquid form of natural food dye such as juices or purees. Also, you can make your juices & purees in a food processor, using an immersion blender or a blender.

Here are a few of our unique ideas to enjoy colored food with natural substitutes or ingredients.


  • Raspberries
  • Beetroot
  • Pomegranate juice
  • Cranberry juice
  • Tomatoes
  • Cherries


  • Raspberries
  • Strawberries
  • Pink flowers


  • Pumpkin
  • Carrot Juice
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Paprika


  • Turmeric powder
  • Saffron flowers
  • Butternut squash


  • Spinach juice
  • Kale Juice
  • Matcha powder


  • Blueberries


  • Purple Potatoes
  • Blackberries


  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Cocoa powder

Tip for making food colors

Keep in mind that you want to utilize small amounts of each coloring. These are foods, and since they are juiced, their tastes will be solid & unique! Start with a very small quantity at a time; 1 tsp. It is enough to start, as you can always add more as required.

Some fun ideas to use these food colors

Food coloring is utilized to make our food look the way we desire. Most times, we use food coloring or food dye to bring out the shine in the serving. Sometimes we want to get more creative & turn our food into artwork, which can be great when it comes out well. But did you know there are a number of awesome ideas you can use food coloring for that aren’t even food-related?

You can use food coloring in your baking activity. Add food colors to your cakes and biscuits. If you have a theme party, you can bake things according to your ideas. These food colors are easy to make and easy to add, but the results would be amazing. It can boost your baking skill.

Also, if you have kiddos in your home, you can add food coloring to their food to make it more attractive for them. It seems so interesting when they will get a pink cake in their lunch box. or if your kid doesn’t like to drink milk. Add this favorite food color and food flavor and serve him. He will surely like it.

You can arrange fun activities for your children with the help of these food colors. Make play dough for them and add food colors. If you want to boost your kid’s creativity level, you can allow him to use these colors in art activities. Many ways can be used for creative artwork. You can use these colors in the water and do some water experiments with your kiddo. Try to be creative; after that, you’ll get some ideas for using these food colors. These are not very expensive, but they can provide you with ultimate benefits.
