How Much Vaping is Too Much?

Published On: Nov 27, 2019
How Much Vaping is Too Much?

Many people who consume vape juices have been asking the question, “How much vaping is too much for your health?” The answer to this question is dependent on a number of variables. The frequency of vaping is the key factor in determining when you have had enough. Most of the information available to answer the question is not backed by scientific data, therefore, you can never be too sure. Vaping has fewer risks compared to smoking regular cigarettes, but it still has negative effects on the user. You should be careful and consider how much you vape and where you buy your e-cigarettes and e-juices.

What are the signs that you are vaping too much?

If you vape regularly or are a chain vaper, you are likely to experience the following:toomuch-vaping

  • Dry mouth
  • Nausea
  • Sore throat
  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Dehydration
  • Loss of appetite
  • Rapid breathing

There are also more extreme effects when you vape too much. Excessive vaping affects your health and it is important to create awareness so that users will have an idea of what happens if they become addicted to vaping. Here are the health risk of vaping :

Side Effects of Vaping

1. Vaping can damage your lungs

A study carried out in 2018 to examine the effects of vaping showed that it disrupts the normal function of the lungs. They found that exposure to e-cigarettes has adverse effects on the human respiratory system. The results indicated signs of oxidation, toxicity, and inflammation in the lungs leading to overall body weakness.

2. It increases the risk of heart attacks

When tested, it was found that e-liquids contain oxidizing agents, aldehydes, and some also have nicotine. These were found to affect the heart and circulatory system. Research carried out showed that those who vape have a 37% higher chance of having a heart attack and a 26% chance of having coronary artery disease.

3. Effect on mental health

There is an increased risk of mental health illnesses as a result of long-term vaping. Those who use e-cigarettes are likely to suffer from anxiety, depression, and other related mental health issues. Further studies are being carried out to show the connection between vaping and mental health.

How can you minimize the Side effects of Vaping ?

There are remedies or ways to ensure that you do not get to the point of having serious medical conditions as a result of vaping. Try the following:

· Drink plenty of fluids – If you vape regularly, ensure that you stay hydrated at all times by consuming a lot of fluids, especially water.

· Purchase from legal and reputable sources – Ensure that you get all of your e-cigarette starter kits and vape juices from the right suppliers to avoid buying low-quality items that are not fit for consumption.

· Avoid flavored vape juices – They contain more toxic ingredients from the flavoring compared to non-flavored juices.

· Ask for a list of ingredients – This is to ensure that the product does not contain any toxic substances that may later affect your health.

· Allow breaks in between vaping.


You can set a limit for vaping to ensure that you do not have too much. Just like smoking regular cigarettes, vaping can also cause some problems for the user and this can be prevented by taking the measures mentioned above.

CATEGORIES : HealthcareWellness
Monika Verma