I AM A FATHER F1RST Cordially Invites You to a Day At the Park June 10th

I AM A FATHER F1RST knows "It takes a village to raise a child."
May 12, 2017 Mark

Press Release (ePRNews.com) - ATLANTA - May 12, 2017 - Media Contact: Kiedra Tyson, FaceForwardPR@Gmail.com

We are pleased to invite you to I AM A FATHER F1RST and KING TALKS first annual Day At the park located at  Maynard Jackson High School on June,10  2017.

Keith Lewis, Founder of the Brands I Am A FATHER F1RST, and KING TALK is no stranger to adversity as well as success. After several years of being a community activist and playing an intricate role is shaping the lives of upcoming athletes, He wanted to give back more. This year will be the start of the annual “Day at the Park Event.”

A Day at the Park be hosted by a wide range of athletes and guest appearances you won’t forget. This event will bring out families and communities of all Sizes.  Our mission is to uplift, empower and educate fathers to better equip him to not only be a leader to his family but also be an intricate part of that “village”.

We look forward to continuing and our great relationships with our partners, community, athletes, press, and all parties involved —and with only 27 days left until the event, our Brand is committed to making this sure this an event you won’t forget.

Anyone interested in getting involved as a sponsor, press or volunteer should contact Lewisagencyonline@gmail.com

For more information, please visit our website https://imafatherf1rst.com/

And our social media https://www.instagram.com/p/BTonD4XFf_f/?taken-by=imafatherf1rst

Source : I AM A FATHER F1RST Follow on Google News


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