IT Security Squad Discover Security Flaw in SkyECC Messaging App
Press Release ( - Toronto, Canada - Mar 10, 2016 - IT Security Squad, announced a discovery, related to serious breach of security in SkyECC secure messaging application.
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A series of videos were published on IT Security Squad – YouTube channel demonstrating that SkyECC message self-destruct feature doesn’t work properly or better to say doesn’t work as advertised. In all 3 real time videos with narration, it become clear that none of the chat participants have any control over self-destruct time.
IT Security Squad leader Richard Jensen said: “It is unethical for a mobile privacy company to try to benefit with false claims and features. At the end of the day, it is not just about encryption or encryption type PGP vs ECC, but about time tested solutions for business executives. This is exactly a point where hackers and agencies try to exploit – software bugs, communication infrastructure, weak passwords and keys as well as undeveloped features. In this particular case, we observe server based encryption, which is the worst and weakest, with zero control from end user!”
IT Security Squad, promised to continue the mission of exposing false claims, security flaws and backdoors related to communications, software and hardware. Founded in 2015, IT Security Squad, a non-commercial, non-profit organization is becoming one of the most trusted security sources in North America and Pacific.