Press Release (ePRNews.com) - MUMBAI, India - Mar 19, 2017 - KKOFFEE Motion Picture Launching Turkish Actress “Seyma Arslan” in Bollywood with 3 Films contract and 3 Brand Model Contract with few print shoot contract.
A Wish! A Hope! A Dream! This is where all good things start. Hence, the start of KKOFFE Motion Pictures Limited. KKOFFEE Motion Pictures Limited is a small group of young and enthusiastic professionals with a strong desire to stand apart and to earn recognition for positive and creative work.
KKOFFEE Motion Pictures Limited is a London production company focused on innovative concepts with a fresh approach. The combined experience of the in-house team covers award-winning feature films, commercials, music videos, short films, live events, and new media content. The company consists of three departments: KKOFFEE Motion Pictures Limited, for live-action production, KKOFFEE, for post-production (editorial, visual effects), and RUNSILENT, for original music and sound design.
About Seyma Arslan
Seyma is 27 years old. Originally from Turkey but based in Thailand/Bangkok and doing modeling in Hong Kong,Singapore,Dubai and Now she decided to work with Indian industry too. As its a big market and a good opportunity for her career. She has come in touch with VM over some event and she discussed her wish to work in India and over in Bollywood. VM promised her to lauch her in India/Bollywood. This contract and work in continuation of their friendship.
About Projects
She is being good friendship with VM, thus VM launching her into Bollywood with 3 Big Movie contract and Other His Product Brand Model with worth of Rs. 30 Crore Year Value.
Her First Project is all about Film Chormandli as Lead Actress, followed with 2 more movies this year and other brand model and shoot. She has in Brand Model contract for VM’s residential Scheme (All around world) ADDA Residency and VM Aviation followed with most shoot of VM Collection.
United States