Less Is Always More When You Design Business Website

Published On: Aug 29, 2019

Less is more – that’s the new mantra to creating business websites, and in this post, we are discussing more on the concept and what it may mean for your business.

Less Is Always More When You Design Business Website

Business websites need to have an immediate first impression. On an average, people spend less than ten seconds on a website, and that’s really a small window. If you talk to some of the best-known web design services in Singapore, their experts will tell you that the approach to creating and designing a web portal for businesses has changed in recent years (check MyBestWebsiteBuilder for latest trend on website building). It is no longer about just customizing a random theme, but more about tailoring an experience for users. Many small business sites also tend to forget about another critical aspect – Call to Action – a button that should ideally exist on every page, so that a visitor knows what step to take next.

Less is more – that’s the new mantra to creating business websites, and in this post, we are discussing more on the concept and what it may mean for your business.

Working on a minimalistic thing

A lot of website owners believe that drama has to be about loud elements. Also, they often associate the word “minimalism” with boring or flat, which is actually not the case. When we talk of minimalistic design, we are basically referring to creating the maximum impact with minimal elements, and from the design point of view, this could actually be a real challenge. Minimalism became a trend way back in 2000s, and the simplest example of that would be the home page of Google. The home page of Google is absolutely simple, and everything is about the logo and that search box. There is nothing more, and it serves the purpose. That’s the basic way to interpret minimal design, where the focus is more on the actual experience of the user than creating drama.

Ideas that work

1. Use of bold fonts. Arial, Calibri or Tahoma – These are fonts that every random website is using, and you cannot have a minimal theme or website design that doesn’t make the most of the font. Typography can create a groundbreaking impression immediately as the visitor opens the landing page, and that may mean paying for a font that’s unique and not available for free use.

2. Contrasting the look. Use of colors that are absolutely in contrast against a blank white or light-colored background is the new way of adopting minimalism. You don’t have to rely on too many colors, because white accentuates all shades in the brightest ways, and simple shades that may seem relevant for your branding needs will stand out.

3. More of free space. A cluttered web page is a terrible mistake, and designers have been using more of negative or free space on pages to make the visual elements more appealing. Free spaces are great for holding the attention and reducing visual jargon, and when used with CTA buttons at the right places, it could trigger sales and conversions.

User experience for the future

Eventually, user experience is everything, and that’s what minimalism is all about in terms of web design. If you want to make the most of your business website, ensure that users know exactly what to do on a website. Also, they should have no issues finding the information they need, and if too many pages seem like a hindrance in that, you can actually consider parallax scrolling, which is the new idea on the block. Done right, minimalism can change the perception of your brand and the overall direction of your online marketing campaign. A comprehensive approach to website needs is necessary, and to achieve that, make sure that you have hired a website design agency that you can rely on for all web design needs. Evaluate all choices before taking the final call!


Vikas Kumar