Press Release (ePRNews.com) - Chicago, IL - Jun 02, 2018 - Vitamins and supplements have become a huge component of modern lifestyles and optimizing health. People who are dedicated to bettering their body and mind have supplements for basically everything from general health benefits to boosting workout regimens to mood-lifting products. There are even supplements to help with some of the most common energy issues most people face: restless sleep and lack of daytime energy. Liftmode.com has excitingly just released two natural supplement stacks to help with each of these challenges!
Liftmode is a company that supplies dietary supplements and brain-boosters that have become steadily more popular. Until recently, their products have centered around just single-ingredient pure supplements, targeted to value-focused and knowledgeable purchasers who wish to customize their own supplement intake. Now, they’re expanding their product range by introducing two new supplement stacks: Liftmode’s brand new energy & sleep stack capsules. Each of the formulations is innovative and unique – the first being a truly effective energizing supplement, and the second being a truly effective natural sleep aid.
Their energizing stack combines natural ingredients that are known to boost wakefulness such as caffeine, the most common and popular of stimulants, and phenylethylamine, which helps maintain energy levels, along with a few selected high quality plant extracts. The stack also contains ingredients to support general well-being, including ascorbyl palmitate, a form of Vitamin C designed to maximize the bioavailability of this antioxidant to cell membranes.
The sleep stack combines a trio of potent natural sleep ingredients. These include the well-known melatonin, which shortens that amount of time it takes for a person to fall asleep, together with oleamide, found in jujube fruit and associated with sleep improvements, and a third key ingredient found in an herb considered to be vital in time honored Chinese traditional medicine. This groundbreaking combination of naturally occurring ingredients works synergistically to yield a supplement with unprecedented effectiveness at supporting deep, restful sleep.
These new supplements have been created with naturally occurring ingredients, making them accessible to both vegetarians and vegans, and providing confidence that the supplement consumers won’t have to deal with many of the side effects that often accompany unnatural energizing or sleep inducing compounds. The encapsulated stack supplements are more convenient than powder as well, saving the extra step of measurement and cleanup. Liftmode capsule stacks ensure that customers are getting the exact optimal amount of each ingredient.
For those who want a product that’s ready to go or who are looking for truly effective, naturally-derived supplements to help them keep pace with their busy schedule and time shifts of travel, Liftmode sleep and energy stack supplements offer potentially excellent solutions. Supplements provide a way to naturally address challenges that can arise in fast paced modern life, and help people achieve a healthier version of themselves. Anyone can start on the road to health, but these natural supplements can help along the journey.