Most Important Plumbing Tips If You Are Moving Into A New Home

Before you move into a new home your mortgage company is likely to insist a survey is completed. Many buyers assume that this will verify the property is in good condition and you are not going to face any issues. However, this is not necessarily true. The survey undertaken by the mortgage company is designed to confirm the value of your property.
This provides the mortgage company with protection, helping to ensure they can get their money back if things go wrong for you. The best way for you to verify the condition of the property is to have your own building survey done.
This will help you to spot any plumbing issues and other potential problems and save yourself some hassle.
Flooding Risk
You should be aware before you move into a property whether it is at risk of flooding or not. It is very easy to check the current flood zones. However, an increasing number of properties are facing flooding issues, making it possible your house could flood without being in a flood zone.
To combat this issue you should look at submersible pumps. The property may already have one fitted into a pit in the basement. These pumps are designed to turn on as soon as they detect water and pump it out of the house.
If you have a sump pump have it checked and inspected to ensure it will work when you need it to. If there isn’t a pump currently fitted then it is a good idea to invest in one. The cost is negligible compared to dealing with the damage of a flooded home.
Leaks are one of the most common and often frustrating issues that new homeowners face. The main reason is that a leak can go undetected for a long period of time, potentially costing you a lot of money. In addition, leaks can be difficult to trace.
However, it is easy to see if you have a leak. All you have to do is take a meter reading and use no water for the next 2-3 hours. Then, take a second meter reading. If the numbers have changed you have a leak.
Identify Valves
One of the most important things that every homeowner should do as soon as they move in, is find the valves. The main water supply valve is usually outside the house, by your water meter. You may also have additional ones inside to shut off the supply or part of the supply.
Identifying them and checking them straight away will make it easier to deal with any issues. It is worth adding valves, one per appliance. But, this is a job for when you renovate, not the moment you move in.
Water Heater
The water heater is one of the most important elements of the plumbing system. Check it is working properly, the thermostat is set where you want it, and it is not making any strange noises. This will help to ensure that you have hot water when you need it.