PEMF Therapy for Post-Pregnancy Recovery

Published On: Feb 01, 2022
PEMF Therapy for Post-Pregnancy Recovery

The pulsed electromagnetic field is a non-pharmacological intervention; ideal for repairing damaged tissues. Pregnancy and childbirth are huge physical trauma for a female body. Whether it is a vaginal or cesarean delivery, going back on track is not a matter of a few days. Your body deserves special treatment and pampering for the next few months. No doubt, medication, and medical procedures are crucial, methods such as electromagnetic stimulation are trustworthy partners for the healing journey. Several clinical studies have demonstrated that PEMF effectively alleviates traumatic pain, inflammation and promotes wound healing. Luckily, the healing potential of the treatment may contribute to postnatal neovascularization.

Your Post-Pregnancy Partner

Proper nourishment and rest are the essentials for post-pregnancy recovery. However, certain conditions like discomfort or pain in the abdomen and back, hormonal imbalances, postpartum depression, and mood swings. Traditionally, your gynecologist would suggest some pain relievers and antidepressants. Sometimes pain killers are not efficient in dealing with intense pain. If you are breastfeeding, you might be unwilling to take medications to avoid the possible side effects on the milk supply. This is when PEMF works for enhancing blood circulation and no-drug pain relief.

PEMF devices provide a plethora of benefits that have a direct correlation with your physical and mental wellness. Some of which are as follows:

  • Cure the pain associated with connective tissues such as bone, ligament, and tendons
  • Edema and wound healing
  • Reduce stress and depression
  • Balance the immune system
  • Decrease acute and chronic inflammation and swelling.
  • Regulate sleep routine
  • Reduce muscle tension
  • Detoxification of cells
  • Accelerate bone and tissue healing process

PEMF Works At a Cellular Level

Pulsed therapy provides a single but most effective solution to all of the above-mentioned post-pregnancy symptoms. The reason is that the therapy operates at the cellular level. Each cell in your body contains several organelles, each of which performs some vital function. Mitochondria is one of these. It is the powerhouse of the cells as it provides energy to the cells needed to carry out major procedures. The impact of electromagnetic induction reaches up to mitochondria to enhance their activity. As your body gets more energy, it becomes more fit. It means that there is an elevated level of ATP production, toxins removal, and reduction in oxidation stress. All is well when these functions are well-performed. When in their best form, cells are better able to produce new cells to replace the damaged ones. This is how pulsed therapy can heal your body from many illnesses and post-pregnancy conditions are no exception.

Why Pulsed Field Is A Better Method?

There is also static magnetic field therapy that generates static magnetic fields. The downside is that the magnets used in the technique have a fixed strength with a shallow penetration in the body. So these fields cannot access the deeper tissues. Besides, they cannot tune all body cells with fixed frequencies. On the other hand, the pulsed-field technique provides multiple frequencies, strength, and waveform. As a result, pulsed waves can access and tune cells for best performance.

Besides, PEMF is best for those who cannot make frequent hospital visits. The treatment is an amazing stay-at-home modality. Consult the professionals to get the device suitable for your post-pregnancy conditions. At Healthyline Outlet you can find the right one for rapid tissue regeneration and wound healing.


Everyone notices the visible signs of pregnancy on your body. But only you know what pregnancy and labor do to your body. The real internal struggles of the body before and after labor are daunting. However, the cure is easy. PEMF understands your body and gently treats it. So grab your device for rapid recovery.

Monika Verma