Pipeline Health Los Angeles Partners With Local Community Vaccination Unit

Published On: Apr 22, 2021

Press Release (ePRNews.com) - Apr 22, 2021 - Community Hospital of Huntington Park (CHHP), East Los Angeles Doctors Hospital (ELADH) are proud to have partnered with Angeles Community Health Center (ACHC) and plan to extend their vaccination clinic on April 27, May 11, and May 25.

CHHP and ELADH, in collaboration with the ACHC, a non-profit community health center, introduced a Mobile COVID-19 Vaccination Unit to help bridge the transportation gap when it comes to getting care while staying close to home. With this partnership, these two hospitals are striving to reduce the hurdles that people in disadvantaged groups such as the homeless, seniors, low-income, and others often face when trying to get to a vaccination site. The first clinic day was on Monday, April 12 at ELADH; 100 vaccines were distributed from the Vaccine Unit.

Pipeline Health will be hosting additional vaccine clinics in partnership with ACHC on:

  • April 27 at CHHP: 2623 E. Slauson Ave., Huntington Park, CA 90255
  • May 11 at ELADH: 4060 Whittier Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90023
  • May 25 at CHHP: 2623 E. Slauson Ave., Huntington Park, CA 90255

To schedule an appointment please call (866) 981-3002, Monday – Friday from 8:30 AM to 5 PM. The Moderna Vaccine will be provided at our hospitals.

“Our goal is to bring the vaccine to our community and make it easier for individuals and families to get it. We want everyone to know that the vaccine is available to everyone regardless of immigration status,” said Victor Carrasco, FACHE, CEO of East Los Angeles Doctors Hospital.

For any media inquiries, please contact Samantha Frontera, at: sfrontera@exclusivepr.biz.

About Community Hospital of Huntington Park

Community Hospital of Huntington Park is an 81-bed hospital that has been serving the city of Huntington Park and surrounding Los Angeles County for more than 70 years. It is accredited by the Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program and is a licensed provider for Medicare and Medi-Cal programs, along with many HMOs, and PPOs. Visit communityhospitalhp.com for more.

About East Los Angeles Doctors Hospital

East Los Angeles Doctors Hospital is a 172-bed hospital that has been serving East Los Angeles and surrounding communities for more than 70 years. It is accredited by the Joint Commission and is a licensed provider for Medicare and Medi-Cal programs, along with many HMOs, PPOs, and managed care organizations. The hospital provides affordable, high-quality healthcare with compassion, and offers a wide range of services. Visit eladoctorshospital.com for more.

About Angeles Community Health Center

Health Access for All Inc, dba Angeles Community Health Center (ACHC) is a grassroots, community-based 501(c)(3) California nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide high quality, comprehensive, primary and preventive medical, dental and behavioral health care services and education. ACHC’s goal is to be responsive to the needs of the communities it serves, but with continued emphasis on the under-served and those without access to care.

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Source : Exclusive PR
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