Practical Tips for Increasing Your Homes Safety and Security

Published On: Oct 22, 2022
Practical Tips for Increasing Your Homes Safety and Security

At all times, you want to be sure that your home is as secure and safe as it can be. Deterring unwanted visitors and keeping your family and possessions safe is always going to be important. So, what action should you start taking, and what tips can you apply to make your home just that little bit safer and more secure?


Look at Where Weak Spots (Blind Spots) Are

To begin with, you need to look at where there are weak spots within your current home setup. For example, do you have cameras pointed around your home but perhaps not around your garage or outdoor sheds? You can easily overlook weak spots or blind areas, but those wanted to get into your home will not overlook these blind spots or weak areas. Staying one step ahead is important at all times. Look at your home at the moment. What have you not got visibility or eyes on? Are you fully secure around the perimeter? Do you have an intruder alarm?


Install a CCTV System

When you are at home (and even when you are out and about) you want to be sure you can see what is going on at home. For this to happen, you must focus on installing a CCTV system. Being able to monitor your home around the clock will give you peace of mind and reassurance. When it gets dark, you can clearly see what is still happening around your home (even if you opt for a cheaper black-and-white system). You can purchase and install battery-operated cameras and systems or get an installation team to hardwire a system to your mains.


Get Fencing Professionally Installed Around Your Home

Whether you live on an estate or you live on a large plot of land, it is important to look at getting residential fencing installed as soon as you can. Securing the perimeter around your home and even laying out the boundaries is good for both safety and security. When it comes to installing fencing is a job that is best left to the professionals, especially if it is going around the perimeter of your home. Any loose panels or posts will undermine the whole security of the fence.


Lock Down all Gardening Tools and Equipment

It sounds like something minor, doesn’t it? However, people will break in and try and steal gardening tools and equipment if they think there are a few bucks in it. All gardening equipment, tools, and even outside play equipment should be correctly stored when not in use. This may be in a brick-built garage, or it could be in a multi-purpose shed or outbuilding. Gardening equipment that is left around your property acts as a welcome invitation for unwanted visitors.

Install New Exterior Lighting

In the summertime, you can spend hours outside without the need for exterior lighting, and sure you feel safe and secure enough. However, when the dark and longer nights approach, it is always good to have exterior lighting that is motion sensitive and effective. Newly installed bright exterior lighting that lights all corners of your home or plot are important. Any unlit areas can be a safety and security risk. Going around your home and seeing where lights should be positioned is important. This is not a job that you should leave until the last minute. It is one you should start as soon as you can.

Install a New Security System

As well as having cameras installed, you will also benefit from having a security system (or intruder system) installed. This will allow you to secure your home and its contents when you are away or even when you head out to the grocery store. A system can be hardwired (installed), or it can be remotely operated via battery. When looking at security systems, you can look at ones connected to local security offices/firms. Some can even be connected to a local police department. A lot of security systems can be paid for monthly, and this is something that will give you great peace of mind.


Change Locks on Doors and Windows

No matter how long you have owned your home, there is always time to change and upgrade the locks and security mechanisms on your windows and doors. Adding new locks, getting new keys cut, and even adding an extra chain to the doors will give you even more reassurance. This can be a job that is done efficiently by getting a locksmith or by approaching a local window and door fitter.

CATEGORIES : Home Security
Monika Verma