Struggling with Addiction? Here are your options

Published On: Dec 12, 2020
Struggling with Addiction? Here are your options

When you try to help someone struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, you know very well that the best treatment is available at some inpatient drug rehab center.  Numerous drug rehab centers of different types, including upscale rehab centers in Colorado and standard facilities that offer good treatment, are available across the US. It is not difficult to find help for addiction by referring to online directories or talking to people within your network. However, the real challenge is to make the patient agree to undergo the rehab program. In most cases, patients refuse to recognize that they have a problem, which is evident from the extremely low percentage of drug addicts who benefit from drug rehab programs. In 2014, out of 22.5 million US citizens who needed treatment, only 11.6% received professional treatment for recovery from addiction.


When to seek help

There is no one size fits all solution for those suffering from drug addiction, making it tricky to determine exactly when someone needs help. Every individual might display different signs and consequences, and the severity of the problem would be significantly different among people. However, there are some common symptoms of drug addiction disorders that many people have. Their loss of control over the substance’s consumption, intense craving for it, and repeated unsuccessful attempts to cut down or stop using the substance are some of the common signs that indicate the addicted person requiring some help in treatment.

Added to this are some other things like taking an unusually long time to recover from the effects of the substance, refraining from activities that were once enjoyable and shirking domestic responsibilities, and failing to fulfill major obligations at work and home. These are telling signs that the person should seek immediate help. Twisted and complicated social relationships are ominous signs of being in deep trouble and needing professional help for treatment and recovery.

If the person develops a tolerance to the substance, it will increase the substance’s intake because the usual quantity no longer produces the desired effect. Intense withdrawal symptoms when stopping the substance use indicate seeking professional help to treat the condition, which can even turn fatal.

Treatment options

With the help of some inpatient rehab finder, you can access many treatment options that address the different needs of people with different financial situations who need customized treatment to match their flexible schedules.

Those with less severe problems can avail of outpatient facilities. Still, if the issues are severe and have a long history, then impatient rehab programs would be the most appropriate choice. Outpatient treatment is like treatment at a daycare facility where the person goes back home every day after the treatment to be with the family. It also allows the person to carry on with their professional work without any disruption.  Both types of treatment can take place in a variety of settings that cater to individual needs.

Residential drug addiction programs

In a residential setting, the programs’ duration can vary from 30 days, 60 days, and 90 days to address different levels of severity of the addiction.  Moreover, the facilities and amenities differ according to the packages chosen – standard and luxury packages and executive programs. However, some cases might take a longer time, which can stretch up to 6 months.

Standard programs are ideal in providing support and structure during early recovery and allow individuals to prepare for transiting to a recovery program within the community or outpatient care.  The programs offer a safe and drug-free environment for patients who undergo various treatments and therapies according to their needs.

Those seeking exclusive rehab programs can choose the luxury and executive programs, which are costly and provide superior amenities for patients’ comfort and convenience during the treatment. They can lead a luxurious lifestyle in the community while recovering from addiction.  The upscale treatment facilities offer a lot of amenities and a high level of privacy while going through the programs of wellness and recovery. The premium amenities offered at the luxury facilities match with that of high-end resorts and hotels.

Specialty rehab facilities

The group of people suffering from addiction is highly diverse. Despite sharing some common problems of addiction, each individual is unique, and their needs are specific. Some people might suffer from severe mental issues, social stigma, and trauma, while some might need assistance with culture, religion, and spirituality. Many rehab facilities are unable to address the range of issues comprehensively.

To meet patients’ specific preferences and needs, some centers offer specialized programs to address the issues appropriately. Programs might be tailored towards your or gender-specific, those with mental issues arising from substance use disorder, LGBTQ individuals, and other special populations.

Consider your needs and financial situation, and the severity of addiction to choose a drug rehab facility.


Monika Verma