These Are the 5 Most Popular Types of CBD Products

Published On: Aug 23, 2022
These Are the 5 Most Popular Types of CBD Products

Over the past few years, it’s been just about impossible to go anywhere online – or to read any health-related magazine or newsletter – without seeing something about cannabidiol (CBD). It’s incredible how quickly this cannabinoid has grown from obscurity to something that literally millions of people around the world take every day to help support their health and wellness goals.

Even more amazingly, the array of different types of CBD products sometimes seems to have grown just as quickly. In the past, CBD oil was the only type of CBD product that most retailers carried. If you’re not familiar with CBD oil, stick with us because we’ll be explaining it shortly. Today, though, a good CBD seller offers an enormous variety of CBD products that you can take orally, inhale or even rub on your skin. How can you possibly know which type of product is best for your needs if you’ve never used CBD before?

This article will serve as your introduction to the many different types of CBD products that are on the market today. You’re going to learn what the different types of products are and how they’re used. You’re also going to learn the benefits of each type of product, and that’s going to help you decide what might be best for you. Let’s jump in.

Sublingual CBD Products

CBD oil – also sometimes called a CBD tincture – is an oil-based CBD product that’s taken orally by holding the oil under your tongue for about 30-60 seconds and then swallowing it. CBD oil is the most popular type of CBD product on the market, and that’s for a couple of reasons. The first reason is that it’s affordable because it’s relatively easy to produce. A company can extract the essential oil from hemp flowers and combine the hemp distillate with a carrier oil like coconut or hemp oil and sell that product as a finished CBD oil that’s ready to use.

The second reason why CBD oil is such a popular product is because it has a balanced absorption profile that’s ideal for most people. When you hold the oil under your tongue, the CBD absorbs through your sublingual artery and is in your bloodstream within minutes. Any CBD that isn’t absorbed sublingually is absorbed later through your digestive system, so CBD oil gives you a good combination of quick absorption and long-lasting residual effects.

Oral CBD Products

CBD oil is the only type of CBD product that’s used sublingually, but it isn’t the only type of oral CBD product. Products such as CBDMD gummies and CBD capsules are taken orally, but they aren’t held under the tongue. CBD gummies are eaten, and CBD capsules are swallowed. In both cases, the CBD is absorbed through your digestive system. That means it can take longer to feel the effects of oral CBD products compared to CBD oil, but it also means that the effects may last longer for many people.

Another benefit of oral CBD products compared to CBD oil is that many people find them superior from a flavor standpoint. CBD gummies are essentially candy, so they taste great. CBD capsules, meanwhile, are swallowed – so they don’t taste like anything at all. Some people find CBD oil unpalatable in comparison because it can sometimes taste a little bitter and “hempy.”

Inhalable CBD Products

An inhalable CBD product is one that you either vape or smoke. Smokable CBD products will probably look very familiar to you if you’ve ever used cannabis before. They’re flowers taken straight from CBD hemp plants, and you grind them and smoke them just like any other cannabis flowers. The difference is that CBD flowers are rich in CBD while containing almost no THC. They’re not intoxicating. They definitely smell like cannabis, though, so they might not be appropriate if you live in a multi-resident dwelling.

Vaping, on the other hand, has almost no odor at all. When you use a CBD vaping product, you’re inhaling the CBD – but you’re not inhaling smoke. Instead, you’re inhaling an aerosol produced by heating a CBD-infused liquid. In addition to having much less of a scent, many people find that vaping CBD is a smoother and more pleasant experience overall compared to smoking it. CBD vaping products come in many forms ranging from bottled e-liquid that you can put in any refillable vaping device to disposable vapes that are pre-filled and ready to use right out of the package.

One of the biggest benefits of inhaled CBD products is that the lungs offer a direct path into your bloodstream. Whether you’re vaping or smoking it, you can expect the CBD to enter your system almost instantly.

Topical CBD Products

If you inhale CBD or take it orally, it circulates throughout your entire body via your bloodstream. That’s great for many purposes, but it’s a bit of a waste if all that you’re trying to do is use CBD on one specific area of your body. Suppose, for instance, that your back is tired after a day of heavy lifting or that your arm is sore after a round of tennis. You might prefer to put CBD directly on that area for faster and more targeted relief instead of waiting for it to reach that area through your bloodstream. That’s why topical CBD products exist.

CBD topicals come in many forms such as lotions, rollers, balms and even cosmetics and lubricants. Regardless of the type of product you’re using, the instructions are the same: Simply apply the product to the affected area as often as needed. Topical CBD products are generally similar to one another, so you can simply select the one that’s most appropriate for your particular needs.

CBD Isolate

CBD isolate is a white, powdery form of CBD that’s usually sold in tiny jars. CBD isolate is over 99-percent pure, so a one-gram jar of CBD isolate contains nearly one gram of CBD. It’s an extremely potent product. Although you can take CBD isolate orally, it’s most useful as an addition to other products. Suppose, for instance, that you wanted to try using CBD on your scalp. You could buy an expensive CBD shampoo, but it would be much more affordable to buy your own shampoo and add CBD to it yourself. CBD isolate is oil soluble, so you can add it to virtually any topical or edible product that contains oil. After adding CBD isolate to the product, close the bottle and shake it well to dissolve the CBD and distribute it throughout the product.

CATEGORIES : Healthcare
Monika Verma