Press Release (ePRNews.com) - Los Angeles - Apr 27, 2017 - Norton antivirus is a software program which was developed and manufactured by the Symantec corporation. This was came in to use in the year 1991 by the very same company. This company has its main head office in California which is in America. This software is used to restrict the unwanted software to enter your computing devices which you are using at present.
How to enable or disable Norton antivirus firewall settings ?
People may be looking for the solution for changing the settings for the Norton antivirus firewall. So, now they no need to wonder here and there because here the solution to there problem. Just go through them and make the proper settings of your antivirus, which are shown as below :-
Step 1: Turn on your personal computer system device.
Step 2: Then after move towards the Norton icon present on your computing screen.
Step 3: Make a double click on the ‘Norton internet security’.
Step 4: ON the home page of the Norton antivirus just click on the ‘norton internet security’ tab and move to next option.
Step 5: Now from the given options select the settings options.
Step 6: In that given options just select the ‘auto protect’ and make it ‘turn off’.
Step 7: Now moving further in that section only click on the ‘personal firewall’ option. And as it is displayed in front of you just follow the below steps.
Step 8: As from the below given options just click on the inability option.
Step 9: Check the turn off or turn on option from there according to your need and requirement.
Hence from the given options one can now change his or her settings according to its need and accessibility. User may not get worry that if in case they have turn on the firewall settings then how they will able to disable the next time when required then, no need to worry because to disable the same settings one can follow the same procedure to disable the same.
But if you are able to reach the solution then try to contact to the ‘Norton antivirus technical support number’ person to clear your doubts.
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