Why Employee Engagement is Important for Your Business

Published On: Jan 17, 2020
Why Employee Engagement is Important for Your Business

Employees are the backbone of any business, however large or small it may be. Having happy and satisfied employees who enjoy their roles means that your business can benefit from a strong, positive team that will help to support the activities of the business, develop great relationships with customers, and come forward with exciting new ideas to help build success in the future.

In order to ensure the happiness and positivity of your employees, however, you need to know that they are well engaged and involved in the activities that they are responsible for. Here are just a few reasons why making the effort to improve employee engagement is a worthwhile investment for your business.

Better engagement means higher levels of customer satisfaction

When your employees feel rewarded, valued and respected, it goes without saying that they will be able to pass on these values to customers, therefore creating a much higher level of customer service and satisfaction.

Conversely, disengaged employees who do not enjoy their role are much less likely to be motivated to perform well, leading to poorer levels of customer treatment. This has been backed up in numerous studies, which have shown across a variety of industries that when employees are unhappy in their jobs, this ultimately has an impact on the level of customer service reported back.

More engaged employees are a good investment

Another invaluable benefit of working to improve engagement amongst your employees is that it is likely to help you retain your best talent for longer.

By using an engagement survey to review how your staff feel about their roles and the environment in which they work, you can gather valuable information on whether or not their skills are being used in the best way.

Having this insight can help you to refocus your objectives, and work out how to best develop your most talented people in order to continue to develop their potential. In the long run, this can pay off, as your business can enjoy improved levels of product development, customer service and management from people who are dedicated, and who feel valued and appreciated in their roles.

Better engagement raises the overall company culture

A company’s success can no longer be measured and defined by the numbers on a worksheet. With a growing awareness of the importance of workplace happiness, the environmental impact of industries and the need for a positive work–life balance in the wider society, better engagement amongst employees can reflect a valuable company culture.

This can make a positive impression on customers, shareholders and further afield. Companies that are known for investing in their employees are often widely celebrated and renowned, which improves a brand’s reputation, and this can also encourage existing employees to stay with an employer, find creative new opportunities to help the business grow, and pass on their positive experiences to other employees and customers that they meet.

Overall, this can help to create a much more sustainable and positive company culture that can stand the test of time.

Monika Verma