Published On: Feb 18, 2020

To start a YouTube channel, it is all fun, hobby, and an interactive way to be connected with the world and of course with society too. To make a YouTube video, there is not any need to do a course diploma or something. It is a channel where you make your videos as per your own choice and get different feedback. You interact with new people to take their views and likes, which makes you feel good to move forward with another video. You can get to know how to add a YouTube timestamp by using the following given link.

Here are some traits for starting a good YouTube channel:

•    Trait – 1

To start something, you need to plan something. Just like it, before starting your video, plan about the video, take ideas, think and then create your video. If you want to make more viewers start making video attractive, a most interesting one, ideal, according to their taste, creative so they will always be looking and waiting for your videos to be uploaded. Try to make videos of tutorials, travels, smart things, shopping. For instance, you can make a video about the experiences during your traveling, targeting a specific kind of audience.

•    Trait – 2

Using the right equipment is important because if you are making videos and if the equipment is not right to capture a video, then all your efforts go worthless. Choose a good quality of types of equipment like DSLR or mobile camera you need to be focused on its brightness, if is it blur or dull or what. Also, you need to focus on voice, is your microphone of good quality? Can the viewer listen to your video? Invest money on a good quality of types of equipment it will lead you on the successful YouTube.

•    Trait – 3

If you have freshly joined a YouTube channel, and you do not know what content you should upload, and how will people react to your first YouTube video then, do not worry the only secret is to inspect an inspirational video everywhere. When you are free,list down your ideas, check other videos of someone else and try to make your own channel. Once you have inspired by at least one channel and work with all the crafts, love, kindness, this will help you in increasing your viewers. You will build your confidence, and your YouTube channel will slowly and gradually become one of the best.

•    Trait – 4

It is equally important to make a good quality of content. If you add extra things in the video and exaggerate one thing, then you will not get enough time to contribute your video in a good manner. This will make your viewers get bored. Choose the selective clips to add the images give precise knowledge with pretty shots that is enough. Create what the viewer wants to see in your video.

•    Trait – 5

If you are creating videos, so it does not mean you need to buy advance software. Simple software programs like a moviemaker and you can have other different software windows to edit videos. They are easily downloadable;hence avail of it from there.

•    Trait – 6

When you are going to upload the video, write a crisp description of it containing the main keywords and theme of the video within 200 to 300 words. It will help your viewers to understand the actual theme and motive behind that video.

•    Trait – 7

YouTube is all based on getting connected, to share, and collaborating with other users as well. In addition, to build your network, you need to make efforts to process your successful networking. This networking will promote effectiveness in helping a channel to grow with new subscribers.

•    Trait – 8

Engage more on social media, reply to your fan’s comments, which they do on your videos. These things will get you connected to your viewers because if you reply to their queries, they will find you are an active person and to whom you can comfortably share what viewers want you to upload. The most interesting thing is that other people will also find you the best person by seeing the comments on how active you are connected. You will find your subscribers get increasing, and a sense of community will generate. As it is not only important to post a good video, it is also important how much you are actively replying to your viewers.

•    Trait – 9

Although how big or small your channel is, there will always be someone who will dislike your channel, make your negative comments on your channel but, you don’t need to hurt yourself, you have to go ahead with same efforts and confidence, don’t get affected by others hateful comments. Always give attention to the positive columns who appreciate you, who give you strength. One day, your efforts and hardworking will always pay you back as a reward.

•    Trait – 10

The last important thing I would share that, do not make your viewers feel the gap. Upload your videos regularly. Keep your videos out every day. If you cannot upload the video and you missed it for a day, make any video of beautiful stuff. This will make you connected with the viewers. Otherwise, it will make viewers disconnected, and they lose interest. If you regularly upload the videos, they will be excited about your everyday videos, and if they find some interest, they will share your channel to others as well, and you will get more subscribers. Finally, one day you will find a successful YouTube channel of your own.


YouTube is such a tremendous channel to market your product, to be aware of the trends. It is a platform where people show their art and viewers rate on their talents. If you are a fresh maker of YouTube channel or want to become a successful vlogger, follow these all-10 traits to help you open a good YouTube channel. From this, you can open your business, and this is a good source to market your products. In addition, you can earn from your channel and from that earning, you will be able to boost your channel more by enhancing the quality of the types of equipment, and you can take venue on rent for a perfect and fantastic appearance.

CATEGORIES : Advertising
Monika Verma