Elly Kleinman About the History of Observant Jews

Published On: May 10, 2017

Press Release (ePRNews.com) - Brooklyn, NY - May 10, 2017 - The memory of Holocaust victims is now documented in museums and archives around the world, and some of the largest are located in Jerusalem and United States of America. Many Jews held on to their precious memories and kept them safe at their attics or basements instead of donating them to various organizations. This especially goes for most families belonging to the tight community of observant Jews, mainly living in the densely populated area of Borough Park, Brooklyn. Elly Kleinman, founder and president of the Amud Aish Memorial Museum is an active member of this Jewish community, widely known for his humanitarian work.  The Amud Aish museum which is scheduled to open in the first half of 2017 in a new location, will display a number of artifacts and documents that have been kept by families of observant Jews for over 70 years. The same one will be available to researchers in the field of education, science and journalism, as well as other interested parties.

During World War II, nearly 6 million Jews lost their lives to the Holocaust, which at that time was around 70% of the total Jewish population in Europe. Even though a largest percentage of them were in fact observant Jews, still until this day, the struggles and the history of this group of people remains an untold story. As a son of two Holocaust survivors, Mr. Kleinman took as his responsibility to share the legacy of observant Jews, and through the new Amud Aish Memorial Museum, share their stories before, during and after the Holocaust.  The main focus is documenting the micro-histories of observant Jewish victims and the role of faith during this dark time of history.

Museums and education centers have global impact on both current and future generations, which is why Kleinman decided to do something, different, unique, and unlike any other museum, instead of emphasizing the historical aspect and the perpetrators’ behavior, he opened a museum where people can get informed on the religious aspect, and see how Jews were able to keep their faith, during what many describe as one of the biggest crimes in humanity.

Source : Elly Kleinman - Amud Aish