Press Release (ePRNews.com) - May 05, 2016 - About:
Ibogaine is a little known plant extract which cures drug addiction within 24 hours of ingesting it!
My name is Akach and I live in Lamu, Kenya. There is an endemic of drug addiction threatening this idyllic archipelago. Drug addiction is an illness and like any illness it requires a cure. A high percentage of the up-and-coming youths are uneducated, idle and jobless and addiction is on the rise. With an approximate population of 25,000 people on Lamu island alone it is estimated that 1 in 8 are addicted to opiates. With the average daily wage ranging from $3 – $8 the addicts habit costs $6 per day leaving very little for food or anything else.
Turning to crime to feed their habit is commonplace which in-turn places a huge burden on their families when they are forced to bail the addict out of jail or for money to cart them of to one of many stints at rehab. The average family here lives hand-to-mouth at the best of times and are then forced to sell of family possessions and land to meet these high financial demands from the addict which puts further pressure on everybody involved.
Rehab centres have a 90% failure rate as the method they use to treat addicts is methadone, a substance which mimics the opiate, and is used to help wean the addict from their addiction. The notion is ludicrous as methadone in itself is highly addictive.
Ibogaine is a little known of alkaloid plant extract from the Tabernanthe Iboga plant originating from Gabon, western-central Africa. It has been used for centuries by local tribesmen for a tribal ritual involving the right of passage from adolescence to adulthood. In the Western world Ibogaine’s properties are found to be beneficial in drug addiction interruption. Ibogaine works after only one dose and within 24 hours. It works by removing all withdrawal symptoms and resets neurotransmitters in the brain so the addict ceases to have cravings.
Pharmaceutical companies have kept this quiet from the general public and have it banned in most countries as there is no profit to be made from something which is used only once as a cure.
Kenya is an Ibogaine grey area as it has not been given the platform it deserves in order for it to be given any legislation here.
I am embarking on this foundation with the aim to raise money to help cure addicts with the use of Ibogaine. With the number of addicts on the rise here we need to tackle the root of the problem by curing the addicts of their enslavement to drugs and I need your help to do this!
With Just 15 days left in this campaign, your support is urgently needed! Please look at all the rewards they have for those who make a contribution. Please consider getting involved, at whatever level you can, and help “IBOGAINE: The CURE for drug addiction 2” get funded!
We need your help:
If you can’t afford to donate, don’t worry – there are plenty of other ways you can help. Please take some time to share our campaign across your social networks and encourage your friends and family to donate.
For more information, contact us on: ibogaineretreatnotre.treat@gmail.com