Millennial Models Changing the Atmosphere of Fashion Modeling

Published On: Jul 25, 2017

Who's that disrupting the fashion modeling industry? Integrating Digital Media and Modeling is the Duchess Branding Models founder R. Lawrence.

Press Release ( - MILWAUKEE - Jul 25, 2017 - Former fashion model Roshi Lawrence is a fast-track millennial who loves finding solutions by integrating digital media and GEO targeting this young man is climbing the fashion charts. Lawrence opened the Duchess Branding Models community door on June 2nd 2017 in under 2 weeks the company has received over 4000 applications from models around the country.

Lawrence is a Marquette University grad student who truly loves the world of fashion. Lawrence saw the societal struggles of other models, as a result he leaped in to make a positive impact.

As a freelance modeling consultant Lawrence, has helped hundreds of models to establish themselves online. As a means to reach millions Lawrence recently managed to build a media partnership with Exposure Magazine.  Exposure Magazine is a lifestyle publication reaching millions online and in print. Exposure Magazine most recent web audit shows the publication reaches over 2.5 million readers per day.

Over 87% of the models within the DBM community have over 50,000 followers on social media networks as influencers and brand ambassadors the majority report an average of $63,000 in retail sales per month.

On June 2, 2017 the company’s founding member Lawrence announced its first big tour “Passport to Fashion”  will be held in Puerto Rico on August 25th 2017 at Old San Juan, Playa Beach; featuring fashion models and Instagram influencers from around country.

The agency has contracted with several high-end clothing brands and welcome others to join in on the excitement. All photography and photo opts will be published in Exposure Magazine and distributed on social media networks.

The Duchess Branding Models director Roshi Lawrence is currently working with several international agencies for more details contact (414) 578.9380

Source : Aart & Kingsley
Business Info :
Roth & Lawrence
342 North Water Street Suite 617 Milwaukee Wisconsin 53202
Milwaukee, Wisconsin - 53202 United States
Phone: 8082131548